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9781618858368ForbiddenDeceptionlLeveyNC Page 10
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“Trust me, darlin’, I wish like hell I was there with you. Let’s turn this up a notch. Turn on your laptop and video chat with me. I want to see you while I’m stroking off.”
She reluctantly withdrew her fingers from her pussy, a tad irritated that she’d have to start over when she was so close to climax.
“Don’t huff, darlin’, this won’t take long.”
“I’m not—” She blushed at how he knew her so well, wiped her fingers off on the comforter, then padded over to her desk to grab her laptop and returned to her spot on the bed.
“Logging in. Now. What’s your name?” He told her his email address and to hang up the phone.
She disconnected and tossed her phone down next to her, and waited for him to connect. As soon as his face greeted her she waved and gave him a flash of her wet pussy.
“Damn, Ailyn.” He faced her slicked up dick in hand, a bottle of lube on the narrow bed next to him.
“Make it good, you got me all cooled down.”
“Touch yourself again,” he ordered from his side of the screen. His hand rested at the base of his thick erection.
“I can do that.” Reclining back, she slid her fingers in her pussy and slowly fucked herself, using her other hand to palm her breast. Just having him watching her touch herself brought her close to the edge. Soft moans reverberated deep within her and came out in throaty sounds. From her perch on her pillow, she watched him drizzle a trail of lube along his thick cock, then close his hand around the base and stroke up. He canted his hips forward, the blunt head of his dick turning ruddy. The sound of him slapping off made her mouth salivate. She watched him watching her obsession with his dick, an aroused smirk gracing his face. Her pussy clenched as she dragged the tip of her manicured nail over her clit. Seth looked so beautiful to her, she stopped mid-stroke entranced by him. “Fuck, darlin’, don’t stop.” A drop of precum shot onto his belly.
“Excited are we? Stroke your slit. I wish I was there with your cock shoved down my throat.” She slipped her wet fingers from her sex into her mouth showing him how delicious she tasted, finger by finger. A guttural growl tore from his throat, making her pussy clench in need. She reached in to her drawer and pulled out her vibrator. Dragging the vibrating silicone toy along her folds, she then slid it in to her pussy and began fucking herself.
“That’s a girl. Stuff my pussy full.” He added more lube to his hand. The sight of his slicked cock aroused her to new heights. In tandem they stroked off, now and then he’d reach to cup his testicles. She knew he played at staving off his orgasm, as she wasn’t prepared to finish just yet herself.
“This is so much better than phone sex.” She moaned while working the toy.
“Hell yeah this is, now fuck that toy like you’d ride my dick, darlin’.” He pinched his nipple and stilled his hand. His dick jerked when he let go, bouncing against his lower abdomen to stand straight up, a pearl of liquid pooling in the slit.
“I want you to come for me, Ailyn.” Seth shifted and stroked his dick. “Now.”
Ailyn pulled the toy out and flicked the vibrating tip over her clit while he jacked-off. Her legs trembled. “I’m coming.” She bit back a loud scream and let out a series of hitched moans, gripped the bedding as her pussy convulsed.
“Shit, I’m there with you.” Jets of semen shot out his tip, splattering his chest and bedding. What a perfectly good waste of semen. I’d love to have swallowed.
The trajectory of his load surprised her. She set down her toy while he palmed his cock. In silence they came down together from an orgasmic high.
“Ailyn, darlin’, you can video chat me anytime. Thank you.” A boyish smile carved across his face.
“You’re welcome. Was I too loud?” She covered her nudity and smiled at him.
“Nah, I had the volume down low enough. ‘Sides, no one’s in here bunking with me now. Fuck, if they were I’d have kicked them out for an hour.” He winked at her.
“Good, I’ve never done that before and wouldn’t want everyone seeing us,” she confessed, and couldn’t wait to repeat their impromptu self-pleasuring together.
“Nice to be your first in this too.” He stood and she watched him shove himself back into his pants.
“Stay connected until I fall asleep?” She tucked her blanket around her body.
“All right. I’ll see you tomorrow night?”
“Mhm. Goodnight, Seth.”
“Goodnight, darlin’, sweet dreams.”
Chapter Seven
“Welcome to The Historic Fire Museum here in Kansas City. My name is Mrs. Spencer. Today, one of our own will be showing you around this old place. Please stick with your teacher and assigned chaperone. Follow their instructions, and remember safety first.”
“Mom, isn’t this cool? I didn’t know there was a museum here.” Eva danced around her with her friend Josephina.
“Morning, Ms. Dominguez.” Her daughter’s friend smiled shyly. The class lined up to begin the tour. Ailyn smiled politely, her mind wandering to the previous night. She couldn’t wait to see him again. The boy she knew grew up, giving her the urge to find out if they had a future. But first, he needed to know about their daughter, she only hoped after she came clean he’d still want to move forward. “Mom.”
She glanced down to her daughter and back up to the man who walked into the room. Her pulse rate skyrocketed. Seth stood with his arms crossed, talking to the curator, dressed in a snug fire station T-shirt, black cargo pants and boots. Eva continued to chatter, though all she heard was a big fat nothing, due to the blood pounding in her ears.
And then shit got real. His eyes connected with hers, a smile hinted at the corners of his mouth. She watched as he excused himself and headed her way. An ignored Eva turned to talk to her friend while waiting to get the day started.
“What a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t aware you’d be here today.”
“Hi.” Ailyn froze, barely getting the word out. “I’m here today with the school on a field trip.” She searched for a fast escape as the words tumbled out.
“He’s like a giant or something.” Josephina interrupted the awkward moment and latched onto Ailyn’s hand.
“I’m afraid I’m just a fireman. Hi, Lt. Mahone and you are?” Seth crouched down to child’s level.
“I’m Josephine, and this is my friend, Eva. Do you save a lot of people every day?” Josephine started what Ailyn figured to be an unending list of questions.
“I do sometimes, along with other people on my team.” Seth locked eyes with her, the pleasure of seeing her written all over his chiseled face. “Are these your students?”
“No, I teach junior high, I’m chaperoning Eva’s class today.” Ailyn melted a little at the smile stretched across his firm lips and the banked desire in his gorgeous flint-green eyes.
“How cool. You have the same last name as me,” Eva piped up.
Seth’s eyes lingered on Eva, studying her.
“Mom, isn’t that awesome? I think we’re supposed to move now, Mom. Are you listening? I think my teacher is motioning for us to move. Mom, come on.”
Ailyn cut her gaze to her impatient daughter. Eva exaggerated the word mom, knowing the annoyance grated like nails on a chalkboard. Take deep breaths. Take deep breaths. What do I say now, how do I proceed with the proverbial cat out of the bag? Her brow and palms sweated, vocal cords froze.
“Eva, it was nice meeting you. I hope you, Josephine, and your classmates are you ready to have a fun filled day?” Seth stood. “You two can be my helpers.”
Ailyn struggled to breathe. Dots swam in her vision as the mother of all panic attacks consumed her. Seth’s smile tightened into a grim line. The flash of fury burning in his eyes banked when innocent eyes stared at him in adoration. Ailyn broke eye contact, and turned to usher the girls into place.
“You have some explaining to do,” he murmured in her ear, barely contained rage suffused his clipped words as he brush
ed past with the two girls in tow, to lead the class on their tour. Ailyn tripped over herself to catch up.
The class of eighteen ten year olds behaved remarkably well. As they moved on from learning about the first firehouse being built in 1868 to the very first cart and hose in 1872. “This is also the same year Kansas City received two new steam fire engine trucks, and when the fire station numbering system originated.” Seth led them around a room full of memorabilia and placards with detailed information.
“Sir, when were fire hydrants built here?”
Seth stopped and read the students name tag. “Mike, you ask a great question. The first hydrants were built in 1875 until then the fire department relied heavily on cisterns and ponds.” Aiyln listened to him talk with pride about the history of his profession.
As they shuffled to the next area, he kept recounting facts. She listened to him tell how disaster struck in 1877 when the department cut costs and shut down the engines, projecting the hydrants would be sufficient for the community’s needs.
Now and then he’d catch her gaze on him. He gave no insight at all, leaving her continually off balance. She enjoyed watching him answer numerous questions from each student, including random questions having nothing to do with firefighting. Those made her laugh. He took them all in stride, not discounting a single student’s need for expanding their knowledge. That was sexy.
She hadn’t realized they came to the end of the tour, until an aide came out with a box of goodies and handed it to him. She watched as Josephina and Eva helped him hand out bags with plastic firemen hats, stickers, pamphlets, and each student received a new carbon monoxide and smoke detector. Mrs. Warren motioned for her, as she headed her way.
“We break for lunch in a few minutes, once the kids are fed and settled we can head back to the school. Will Eva be joining us for the rest of the day or are you taking her with you? Most parents choose to take their kids with them.”
“Oh. I hadn’t thought about that. Eva can ride back to school on the bus with the rest of the students, there’s no reason for her to miss half a day of school.”
“Educator-to-educator, I figured you might say that. By the way, great job this morning. I know watching over the entire kid’s classroom can be nerve-wracking when you’re used to overseeing secondary students. No one’s missing, and no one has a body part stuck in an object. All is right in the world.”
Ailyn laughed. “Don’t speak too soon, you’re not back at the school yet.”
“This is true. Well, let’s get these kids sat down to eat. I want to drool over the speaker. If I wasn’t married, I’d go after him.”
Ailyn brushed the distasteful image from her thoughts. She refused to be plagued with the older woman lusting after Seth permanently affixed in her mind for the remainder of her day. As if he knew, Seth’s unwavering gaze met hers. Forcing one foot in front of the other, she single filed the kids into the cafeteria. Their chatter increased to a deafening buzz, giving her a reprieve from her thoughts. Eva and Josephine walked bagged lunches over to the tables and handed them out to their classmates. Watching Eva interact with her peers filled her with a surge of pride. What a social busy little bee she was. Ailyn edged her way toward her daughter.
“Hey Mom, I saved a spot for you by me, Josephine, and Mr. Mahone.”
“Thanks.” Ailyn threaded her fingers between her daughter’s, letting herself be led to the table. “Are you having fun?”
They sat at the small table, Seth directly across from her. A strained silence filled the air between them. The girls, however, filled the awkwardness with chatter.
“Mom, can I come home when we leave?”
“Nope. You can return to school with your peers, peanut.” Ailyn picked at her food. Cowering, she stared at the table instead of meeting the head on pissed gaze of her ex—her current—she didn’t have a label for what they were.
Seth chuckled.
Ailyn snapped her gaze up at him and narrowed her eyes into slits.
“Eat your food, Eveleen Izabelle.” Ailyn set her food down and fought the urge to wipe the amused expression from Seth’s face. Really, he hadn’t said a flipping word to her, but had the audacity to chuckle at their daughter’s smart aleck retort. Having the silent treatment aimed at her was more than she could handle. Feeling uneasy never settled well with her. He knew that, they needed to discuss her inability to function in situations.
“Eve, Josephine, I’ll be right back. I’d like a minute to talk with your mom.” Seth stood from his seat and clasped his arms behind his back.
“Okay.” The girls resumed their conversation.
Ailyn rose from the table. She couldn’t leave the room, but allowed Seth to steer her away from nosey ears.
“You’re being harsh on Eva. Kids are smart, do you want everyone in this room knowing we have personal business to settle? You made this mess between us, do not take your attitude out on her because you’re in a pissy mood.” He leaned into her ear to whisper, the coarse scruff of his skin scraping her cheek. “I’m bent as hell over finding out ten years later, I have a kid. A pretty fabulous kid.” He stepped back, putting distance between them.
Ailyn smoothed her outfit and composed herself. Seth crooked a finger at her. Clearly, he wasn’t done speaking. “Yes.” She closed the distance but kept a foot of space between them.
“Since you’re sending her back to school, that leaves plenty of time for me to come over. Text me your address.”
Heat flushed her face. Seth’s clipped tone and attitude flipped her bitch switch. She opened her mouth to speak and shut it. Going up against a six-foot-three giant with masked anger radiating off him didn’t seem like a smart move. Not that he’d hurt her, but she didn’t want to cause a scene or be one of those embarrassing mothers. By his expression, she wasn’t leaving without a fight or without giving into what he wanted. Resigned, she whipped out her cell phone and rapidly texted him her address. “We good?”
“Darlin’, not by a long shot.” He turned and left her watching him leave. As he settled back down in his seat, Eva whispered something that made him laugh, but when he cocked his head in her direction all semblances of humor and easy banter vanished. He dismissed her just as quickly as he’d glanced her way.
I need to come to grips, take everything step by step, sit down and finish lunch with my daughter. I can do this. I am strong. I am woman. I can handle him. I can handle the anger. I can handle the hurt. I think.
Ailyn took a deep breath and rejoined those at her table with a smile on her face. Conversation resumed as if never interrupted. Seth explained the way the engine truck worked to a group of ten-year-old boys. Her daughter and Josephine excused themselves to throw their trash away. Then she watched Eva stop to show her friend how to do a pirouette in the middle of the floor.
“Eva, this is not the dance studio.” She reminded her daughter who began twirling and leaping, clearly an attention hog. “Eva.”
“Mom, I’m done, okay. I just needed to dance for a minute,” grumbled her daughter as she traipsed back over and plunked into her seat with a flushed face. An exasperated sigh left her lips every few seconds.
Ailyn bent down. “Keep it up and I’ll blister your backside in front of your friends. That’s the second time I’ve had to ask you to cut something out. Cut the sass too. Understand?” she whispered in her daughter’s ear.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good.” She returned to the table and gathered up her unfinished lunch. “Kids, I’m going to go talk to your teacher. Please throw your trash away in the proper receptacles and begin forming a line.”
“Yes, Ms. Dominguez.” She turned her back on Seth and walked over to the other two tables instructing them to do the same. Taking a spot by Mrs. Warren, she stood by in stony silence waiting for escape from the hellacious morning.
“Students, please thank Lieutenant Mahone for his time on the way out.” The cla
ss stood and shuffled out. Ailyn took up the rear while Mrs. Warren led from the front.
The closer she came to stand before Seth, the more her stomach rolled. “Thank you,” she murmured, shaking his hand as did Mrs. Warren.
“See you soon.”
Chapter Eight
Shocked. Furious. No, enraged. Crushed. Betrayed. The gamut of emotions threatened to break him. Seth sat in his truck across the street from Ailyn’s house. At first, he tried to come up with a reason for her whiplashing attitude. In the back of his mind thinking the way she held a deep seated hatred wasn’t healthy. Never in his wildest imagination did he think they’d created something so wonderful as Eva. He hadn’t begun to process having a ten–year-old daughter. Not with the rage ripping him to shreds.
What did he know about parenting? Running teams of men and women, being the first responder on site, delving into chaos was what he was made for. The thought of being responsible for something so precious and innocent terrified him, without adding in being late to the game. Ailyn’s car swooped past him into the driveway. He watched her zip into her garage, the door sealing her inside.
Ten minutes passed, he figured he’d waited long enough for her to get semi-settled in and exited his truck. He stood at her door, rang the bell and tucked his hands into his front pockets while he waited. An eternity passed with no answer. He reached forward and pounded on the door.
“Just a minute.”
With a swoosh, Ailyn opened the door. “I’m sorry. I was on the phone, didn’t hear the doorbell.” She hugged the wood barrier as if it were a lifeline to her private life.
“It’s okay.” His voice came off more clipped than he wanted. She looked fragile in front of him as if she’d break and he’d done that to her.
“Come in.” She stepped to the side to let him pass by her, and closed the door softly behind him. “Let’s go to the living room.” She led the way. He watched from behind as she pulled out her blouse from her pencil skirt and chucked the silk scrap over her head. “Strip.” She cast the order from over her shoulder.