9781618858368ForbiddenDeceptionlLeveyNC Page 15
“It’s her confidence, it’s infectious as is the rest of her personality. They’re as blessed to have her as she is to have them. Not saying they don’t fight, they have some doozies, even worse than you and Seth. How are you doing with handling the after effects from the accident?”
“I think we’re okay.” Ailyn smiled as the waitress dropped off her food. She fished in her pocket for cash and handed it over to the waitress.
“I know you aren’t paying for anything, darlin’.” Seth snuck up on her.
“Is this on your tab, Lt. Mahone?”
“You bet, doll. Thanks,” he turned to Ailyn, “you can tip her, love. Give me a good luck kiss.” The spicy cologne with undertones of sandalwood and some unnamed scent made her all gooey inside. She turned her face up to accept his kiss. A blush stole across her heated cheeks as the fellas ribbed him from over at the pool table.
“I do believe they are calling you a cheater.” She laughed. He dropped another kiss on her lips and winked.
“If them ballsy boys can have that sexy woman of theirs give them love and attention, so can I with my sexy teacher in those wet dream inspiring cheetah print thigh highs.”
“Stop it. You didn’t even say hi to Mia,” she chastised as he dropped a light kiss on Mia’s cheek and dashed back off toward a frowning Dire.
“They are too much. Where were we? Oh yes, I need some of Sinclaire’s personality to rub off on me and I guess okay. I don’t know. Chandler, he was like, we handle bad days in our own way. Let him have some space he’ll come around but don’t ask about what you didn’t see, we don’t talk about that shit. We do our paperwork and go home.”
Mia swiped a boneless wing from her plate and dipped it in the ranch. “Dire doesn’t either, which means what happened was really fucked up, as in a kid died or worse. I have a breakdown of what I think happened based on the level or asshole-ness or aloofness. Crappy or not, Chandler is right. You and Seth are just starting your fairytale life. It makes sense that you want to know everything and be that rock of support. Sometimes being there means just being there, no talking or dissecting, just a presence even if they’re acting like bonehead dicks. Poor Sinclaire, she has crap times two.”
“That’s so bad. I totally feel for her now. Tell me about your levels.”
“You have your basic emergency which is a level one for normal situations—fires, searches and rescues, building collapses due to natural causes. Level two is assaults, not knowing what they’re going into. Level three is arson or the calls where someone has been torched on purpose, thrown chemicals on for disfigurement. Level four is drunk driving accidents that kill entire families, where the drunk driver lives. Level five is when a kid or teen has been killed out of negligence; they get drowned in bathtub calls, not belted into car seats where the child and seat were ejected in a crash. The last level—level six is wrecks caused by drivers talking on cells, texting, putting on makeup, eating, basically anything that causes a major crash to take multiple lives of all ages or random acts of terrorism.”
“Wow, so much to process. I’m curious on how you compiled your number sequence. How can you decide what type of day it’s been?”
“You just learn to read them, all of them. Dire and I have an agreement that I won’t watch the news if there’s a fire. He is adamant about it, but since I don’t listen he tries to make sure that I know he and the team are okay. I don’t always know though, until after, sometimes way after. Trust me, when your honeymoon period is over with your man, you’ll be able to read him just fine.”
“God, I hope so. At this rate we might as well just stay naked we argue so much.” Ailyn sucked the ranch dressing from her fingers.
Mia quirked a brow at the guys. “They’re up to something. The game is on pause and they’re all on their phones.”
“Hmm. Do you like your new alarm system? I got the same one tonight. Interesting how instantaneously the subject came up the same time Dire released Ashland from punishment, claiming to want to cut her some slack.”
Ailyn wiped her hands on her napkin and stood. “Shall we go see what is going on?”
“I’m not sure I want to know, but yes.”
“You comin’, sis?”
“Of course.” Mia and Rianna stood, together they all weaved through tables and their occupants. They split directions instead of approaching together, coming upon the males on each side. Sinclaire and Rees smooched on as if there wasn’t an audience to their make out session. Mia slapped her ass as she walked by and peeked over Dire’s shoulder to his cell phone.
Chapter Eleven
Ailyn stopped in front of Seth with her brow raised and hand out. He reluctantly placed his phone in her palm. “I knew you guys were up to no good today. What in the hell is this?” Ailyn pointed at Seth’s phone with audio and visual of her living room and the image of her babysitter and boyfriend playing feedback.
“Footage. We’re checking the feeds to see how they work.”
Ailyn caught them in a lie. They couldn’t even lie worth a damn, the lot of them. Ridiculous grown men acting no better than the teens she taught.
“Bullshit. You have the same system, Dire. How does Mia feel about this?” She whipped her head back to Seth and planted her palm in his face. “Save it. I should’ve known you hadn’t changed. This is proof. Never mind you didn’t ask how I felt about having the system installed. I let that slide, a man has a right to protect his family, but this is an all new low.”
“Save it for someone who cares about bullshit excuses, Seth. I’m done.” Ailyn set her drink down, grabbed her purse and stormed out of the pool hall. She turned to plant a fist in his gut when she realized Ri had followed her. “What?”
“Mia is inside reading the riot act to Dire and the rest of the team. I thought you might want time to cool off before coming back in.”
“I’m going home. I feel so bad for Ashland. How could they do that? If she knew, she’d be mortified. Did you hear Ryker talking about how Rylan was making a move, they were watching those kids like they were the newest reality show. Mimicking how he wrapped his arm around her. I’m not sure what’s worse, Ash breaking her promise having a boy in my house or…that they were watching Sharknado.”
“Calm down, mama bear.” Her sister planted an arm on hers drawing her to a halt. “We were teens too, and well, I had boys in the house when I wasn’t supposed to. Cord had a horde of girls he’d sneak in his private entrance over the years. Ashland is seventeen, what did they think they were gonna skate through her learning her sexual identity without her breaking a few rules?”
Ailyn sighed. “I’m trying, really, but it just brings all the memories crashing back of Seth lying to me. He should’ve told Dire no.”
“You spout such bullshit when you’re in a snit over nothing.” Seth barreled toward them past the doorman. The scowl lighting his face set her nerves on edge. “You’re spazzing over a security system that is not in any remote private area, such as bathrooms or bedrooms. There are cameras placed by the entrances inside and outside, in the hallways and motion sensors placed in others.” His tenor dropped two octaves when pissed and his face held a menacing don’t fuck with me, I’m not in the mood to be tested expression.
“This is my clue to leave. I’m going to be inside with everyone else, maybe give a friendly ear to the parents and give some advice about boundaries and how to proceed without this debacle backfiring on everyone.” Rianna left her to fend for herself in the wilderness like a brand new baby bird with no protection from the hawk intent on devouring its prey.
Ailyn shifted her weight on her hip, grunted and stormed off toward the car. “Whatever you say, Lieutenant.” She snapped to attention with a turn and glowered right back. “On second thought, for a leader you’re an idiot. You should not be running a reality show through our damn living room. How on earth did you allow Dire to talk you into something so cruel?” The rest of her tirade fell on empty ears, she
found herself hoisted over his shoulder and jostled as he took off with angry strides down the moonlit path behind the pool hall. “You can’t really believe you’re in the right.”
“Sometimes you make me want to—” He removed her heels and slapped her ass.
Where was he taking her? She struggled under the weight of steel muscle holding her down. She smelled the lake. His intent became crystal clear. “I know you’re not stupid enough—” Water closed over her before she had a chance to hold her breath or pinch her nose. Ailyn came up gasping for air and coughing up lake water.
“I’m going to literally tear you limb from limb. You just ruined my favorite cheetah thigh highs. These were like fifty bucks.” She splashed water as she got her footing in the neck deep water.
“Be grateful I took off your heels. You need a time out to cool down.” Seth shucked his boots and dove in after her. “Damn, the water feels kinda good.” He swam in her direction, finding her in inky blackness.
“I’m mourning the death of my cheetah stockings.”
Seth laughed, she turned her head to see him but couldn’t reach out and touch him. His foot grazed her leg and she screamed, until he touched her arm.
“Thank God it’s you and not a snake. How did you find me so quick without Marco Polo?”
“You do know I’m trained in search and rescue. Your voice is loud, not to mention the waves you’re creating would lure a shark your way…if you were in ocean water.” He slipped his hand in hers, led them closer to the dock and set her on the metal ladder.
“There could’ve been rocks right here.” Ailyn wrapped her arms around the bars and lifted her butt onto the step. Seth reached for her and she kicked at him. His large hand wrapped around her foot as he slipped in between her legs.
“We had a spot like this remember? Besides I’ve swam in this lake before, jumped from this dock.” He strummed a finger over the barrier covering her pebbled nipples. She sucked in a breath and pushed his wandering hand away.
“I’m such a bad boyfriend. Hmm, neglecting you this week.” He pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh and peeled down the sopping wet thigh highs to her knees. “I’ll buy you a dozen more pairs.” His fingers tore through her lace panties and she squeaked. “What? They were in the way.” In a clean thrust he slid home.
“Oh my, damn. What are you doing?” Ailyn leaned her head back and held on tight to the posts as he shifted and hit deeper with his next thrust. She couldn’t see him in the pitch black, only feel the glide of his cock.
“Hmm. Fucking and compromising.” He nipped her lip and dominated her mouth. The black ink night prevented her from focusing. With each thrust, water lapped against her hips. A fiery heat spread through her loins, warming her chilled to the bone body. Soft moans welled up in her throat, spilling into his mouth. Seth devoured her lips with a ruthless possession, thrusting in sync with his canting hips as they surged into her, so deep fusing them together.
“We shouldn’t be out here.” Seth rolled her nipple with his finger and thumb, causing her pussy to tremble around him. Her boyfriend didn’t seem to care, he had only one single minded thought—to bring them both crashing together.
“No one can see us, darlin’. Wanna tell me what you’re so freaked out about now?” He spoke between slow deep thrusts. “Fuck, I love your snug pussy clenching around me.”
How was a girl to respond to the first part after hearing the second? She opened her mouth to speak and let out a hitched sigh of ecstasy. “I don’t remember, it’s not important.” Ailyn wrapped her legs around his flanks, drawing him deeper.
“Hmm.” He stilled in her. Body to body with her, she felt the cool water dripping from his frame onto her, the heat he gave off leeching into her, causing her to break out in hot and cool shivers.
“Why’d you stop?” She sounded like a whiny bitch but she was right on the edge of coming like crazy. Even in the dark his intense gaze rocketed through her.
“I asked you a question.” Seth flexed within her, though remained in his current position. Ailyn slapped water on him and clenched her calf muscles to dig into his hips.
“Move and I’ll talk.” She held her ground and let go of one pole to grasp his drenched shirt. Muscle bunched under her touch. She imagined his jaw clenched as he said nothing and resumed his pace. Thankfully, the water was lukewarm or they’d be found by some poor passersby in the middle of combative sex encased in icicles.
Strong arms hefted her up from the cold step. He climbed the stairs and laid her on the metal dock, his body covering hers, his dick jutting out from the zipper area of his jeans. Ailyn unbuttoned and pushed down the sodden material, and grasped his ass in her hands. She spread her legs wide allowing his furious pace to bring her closer, Whipping the shirt over his head, she bit his shoulder to quell her scream. Harsh breathing met her ears, he was close, the flex of his cock in her core promising a flood to fill her.
“Tell me darlin’ or I stop for real this time and we won’t pick up when we do get home.” He snagged a hand in her hair forcing her to find his face. Dark need, raw hunger rushed through her. “Our lives are so different. You already have a family here with them. I can’t help but question where Eva and I fit into in your world. This—is too much, too soon. What are we doing? Playing house? How do you know we’ll last? God, I can’t ask you to leave them, your team if we decide to pursue gymnastics and get accepted into the national’s team. They depend on you, your guidance and direction. How can we compete?” She let out a shaky breath. The bastard made her spill her guts while he had her naked and vulnerable on a dock in the middle of nowhere. Ailyn pushed on him to move away. He captured her arms and bound her wrists in his meaty hands.
“There is no competing where you and Eva are concerned. She gets accepted, we put in our resignations and move together as a family. The guys may be my family but they are not selfish, and we’ll still be family to them no matter where we are.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Crazy woman, never thought you’d be worked up over something so far down the line in our future. No looking for shit to complicate us further and no running. Ever. You have doubts, come to me, talk to me. Promise me. I want your word that you’ll have faith that I love you both, and am in this for the long haul.”
Tears dripped down her cheek. He brushed them away with his finger and nuzzled her neck. Ailyn placed her hands on his chest. “Promise.” She breathed the words against his heated skin. Seth lifted her hip and resumed taking her to the next level, she bit back and canted her hips to meet his.
“Ready to come for me? I’m dying here holding back.”
“Take me then. Hard. Fast.” Ailyn inched her legs higher, pressing her body into his, giving him purchase to do his damn finest. He didn’t disappoint. The spiraling burn built. Fever pitched, her body seized locking him tight. Seth pistoned his hips, drugging her with each rough stroke, the crown of his dick spearing her clit with each withdrawal and entry. The next pass sealed their fate, her core convulsed around him as his cock jerked against her sensitive walls, filling her with his warm seed.
“Darlin’,” he groaned. “You are going to be the death of me. Don’t ever freak me out like that again. Especially in public.” Stubble tickled her neck as his whispered words hit her ear. Ailyn turned her face into his stubble and sighed, loving the rub and feel.
“I’ll work on believing in us and trusting you. Promise. But I reserve the right to freak out on you wherever the hell I please. Now let me just catch my breath, while you figure out a way to explain why we’re both soaking wet and stink of lake water and sex.”
“You tripped, fell in and I saved your life?”
Ailyn snorted and peeled her sopping wet stockings the rest of the way off. “I love how your dick slipped into me while you were saving my life.” She let out a deep sigh trying to wring the water from her stockings. “These may be salvaged. We’ll have to see how they fare being washed in the machine. Shame, these I normally hand-wash.” She slipped out
of her skirt and wrung the waterlogged fabric. The drops hitting the metal under her feet sounded like rain to her ears. “You know you could’ve just as easily stripped me naked first.”
“There was no time. You needed an intervention.” A war cry echoed around them. Ailyn turned to see moonlight illuminated swinging cocks and pale asses run past them and cannon ball into the water, followed by naked female parts and shrieking as more bodies took a midnight swim.
“Fuck this water feels damn good. Hey, gorgeous, bring that luscious ass over here to daddy.” The guy interrupting yelled out to his companion.
“Is that your team?” Ailyn couldn’t make out faces in the dark as she put on her damp clothes. The warm air dried the thin material quicker than she’d imagined. She ran a hand through her hair, knowing fixing the mass of short curls was impossible without product.
“Nah, sounds like some college students. You dressed? I’m good to go.”
“Let me put my heels on.” Steadying herself by holding onto his arm, she slipped them on and let him lead them back to the pool hall. “You think those drunk idiots are safe?”
“Safe, probably not, but hopefully they have some common sense. If it were too unsafe the pool hall owners would board up access to the dock. There is a sign that says no drinking at the dock, and another saying swim at your own risk.”
“Huh, I missed those.” Her feet squeaked in her shoes, the unattractive loud sound akin to passing gas mortifying her. She plucked them off and carried them in her hand instead.
“You were upside down over my shoulder as we passed them. Look over there. The neon yellow and orange reflective signs posted on both sides of the path.”