9781618858368ForbiddenDeceptionlLeveyNC Read online

Page 16

  “Yep, I did miss those. It’s cool you can see the signs from both directions. There’s no way anyone can say they didn’t see.” She brushed her hair behind her ears and fixed her skirt and shirt to the best of her ability. Seth handed her damp thigh highs to her. She quickly donned them and slipped her shoes back on, thankful her feet had dried enough to quell the horrifying sound.

  “Sexy even when wet.” Seth ran his hands over his messy hair and pulled open the back entrance door for her. They entered the loud pool hall hand in hand.

  “There you two are. We thought you went home, until we noticed your cars still here.” Sincliare rounded the table with a tray of drinks. Aylin grinned when she spied Cordero and Alpha sitting at the table.

  “So this is the date you had tonight, brother mine? Hey Alpha nice to see you again.” She turned to her girlfriends. “I just have one question, who are the designated drivers tonight?”

  “Dire isn’t drinking, Quin had one beer and called it quits, Ri isn’t drinking, and neither is Cord. Think we have enough sober peeps here?”

  Seth pulled up an extra chair and scooped her up as he sat down. She ended up sprawled over his lap. “Sounds good, no one’s car will be left here.”

  “Go for a dip?” Sincliare winked, handing Ailyn a shot and passing a few to those consuming alcohol.

  Ailyn took a wiff and groaned. Seth’s laughter tickled her back. “I can’t drink this. My stomach is in revolting in remembrance.”

  “I thought something with kick would be great. Want me to get you something else?” Everyone around the table tittered. Sinclaire clearly hadn’t been regaled on Ailyn’s last drinking binge.

  “Let’s just say, I got really drunk on nothing but these last time I was here and the memory of how far gone I was, is still humiliating.” Ailyn smacked Seth’s wandering hand. Clearly, he’d forgotten he’d ripped her panties clean off as she smoothed her skirt down and crossed her leg.

  “You ready to go, darlin’?”

  “Yeah, let’s go. I feel sticky and in need of a shower.” Low chuckles resounded around the table at her choice of words. Sinclaire took back the shot and tossed it back herself.

  “Ya’ll should be ashamed of your dirty minds.” She pushed off of Seth’s lap and grabbed her purse from the table and slung the strap over her shoulder. “Thanks for watching my purse, sis.” Ailyn dropped a kiss on her sister’s cheek and a quick hug.

  “No problem. I rescued it from the pavement after he kidnapped you.”

  “Mia, we’ll see you in the morning, unless you’re dropping by to pick Ash up tonight. She can sleep in the guest room again.”

  “That’s fine. We’ll swing through and pick her up in the morning, if not she’ll let us know who is picking her up for cheer practice.”

  Ailyn tangled her fingers with Seth’s as they headed to the car. He opened the door like a gentlemen before crossing over to the driver’s side and getting in. He started the car to make the short trek to her house.

  Chapter Twelve

  “The house is secure. Peeked in the guest room, Ash is passed out cold.” Seth walked into an empty bedroom. Steam rolled from under the door in the bathroom. Toeing off his boots before dropping his jeans and T-shirt on the floor, he then opened the door and entered. Ailyn turned to face him from the tub, an inviting smile adorning her gorgeous face.

  “I thought I heard you speaking. What did you say?” She stepped back allowing him to enter with her.

  Seth hissed in pain as the scalding hot water hit his chest. “Darlin’, I don’t want to be boiled alive in the shower.” He reached over her to adjust the temperature so that he’d have skin intact when he climbed out.

  “I love hot water. Plus, I want to get the lake smell out of my hair. You are so lucky we didn’t get bit by a snake. You know water moccasins are native to Missouri and Kansas rivers and lakes. They come out to feed in the dark, although there are other non-venomous snakes, I’d prefer not to get bit.”

  Seth silenced the remainder of her sermon with his mouth, enjoying how pliant she instantly became in his arms. Slippery with soap, he ghosted his hands along her body, digging his fingers into her ass, clutching the half globes in his hands. Her nipples pebbled against his chest as the rain water setting on her showerhead fell over them in a hot drizzle. Ailyn thrust her tongue into his mouth and rose on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Thick and heavy, his cock flexed in response to the feel of her slippery heat. Seth sank down on his knees and parted her stance to flick his tongue along her slit and bite her clit. Her husky moan was music to his ears. He flicked her with a blunt finger and ate her cunt like he’d never have the chance to sample her sweetness again. She came apart against his mouth with a sweet sigh of pleasure. Seth lapped her juices and turned her back to him. Her ass called to be nibbled. He bit the halves of her glistening globes and nipped a trail up her spine. Fisting a hand in her short curls, he pushed her forward on the shower bench, folding his body over hers. He teased her folds with his cock.

  “Damn sexy, darlin’.” Seth breached her pussy with his throbbing dick, sheathing himself in one long thrust. “Hold onto that bench.” He braced his hands on her hips and set pace, pummeling her decadently drenched, tight core. Ailyn moaned as he moved within her, he slid his hands around her ribcage and up the slippery foam covering her taut belly and breasts. Encased in wet heat, her core clutched his dick each time he pinched or tweaked a nipple causing a cascade of juices around him. “Darlin’, I’m so close. Come for me. You feel too fucking good to last.”

  “I want you in my mouth.” She screamed as her orgasm washed over her, her silken walls trembling against his flexing steel. When she finished shaking, he pulled out and moved her to sitting position on the bench. She parted her perfect lips for him in a show of stark hunger.

  Seth slipped into her soft mouth and groaned as she sucked him down in a solid stroke. Her slender fingers cupped his heavy sac and tugged, drawing out a ragged moan. “Damn, darlin’.”

  Ailyn smiled around his erection and inhaled through her nose. She moved one hand around his length and jerked him off, her mouth only teasing the tip of his head. Clenching his jaw, he braced his hands on the tiled wall and took the reins back, fucking her mouth. His balls drew tight, his dick jerked in her mouth spewing a load down the back of her throat.

  “So good.” She moaned around his dick, contracting her throat and swallowing.

  She gave a few more sucks and pulls before releasing him, licking her lips. Staring down at her flushed face, he’d never seen a more beautiful sight. His brazen woman stood and slipped her hands up his chest. Seth brushed the water from her face and leaned down to kiss the slope of her neck.

  “Yum, that was like having Christmas in my mouth.” She bit his nipple and grabbed his ass. “I love swallowing you. Giving head is my second favorite to being fucked with my thigh highs on.”

  “Darlin’, when you say those things, you can’t hold me responsible for my reactions.” He grabbed the soap and worked her body into a thick lather, rinsed her off quickly, and shuttled her out of the shower before she could play with him, and then cleaned himself and rinsed off.

  A loud crashing noise met his ears as he opened the door with a towel slung around his hips. “Ailyn?”

  He opened the bedroom door and ran into her. She slapped his arm with a wooden bat.

  “Shh. You scared me.”

  “You hear a loud crash and the first thing you think is to run out and see what it is? And a bat is your choice of weapon.” He reached into her nightstand, keyed in the code to his lockbox and removed his 9mm semi-automatic hand gun. When she didn’t speak, he flipped off the safety. Women. Clearly, she didn’t realize she should’ve stayed put in the bedroom out of danger and waited for him to check out the situation.

  “Eva and Ash are here. I can’t wait to make sure they’re okay.” They moved down the hall. Seth opened Eva’s room and looked in to see everything in
order. Next they moved to the guest room. Seth pushed her behind him as he swung the door open. A lean figure leaned over Ash, shaking her. He flipped on the light and pointed his gun.

  “Don’t shoot.” Rylan stepped away from Ashland with his hands up. Ashland covered her mouth and ducked under the covers.

  Seth noticed the raised double hung window, went over to close it, and realized their alarm never sounded. He faced off with the two teens. “One, don’t ever disengage the security alarm again, and two, did you just climb in the window or have you been here the entire night?” He clicked the safety back on and handed the gun to Ailyn. “Go put this back in the box and shut it. The lock will reset once you close the lid. Can you bring me a pair of sweats too, darling?” He kept his other hand over the loosening towel.

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “I’m still waiting for an answer.” He turned his attention back to Rylan. The boy had some balls being here at this time of night.

  “I, well, I was here but I left. We watched a stupid movie and I went home. The doors were locked because I missed curfew. I didn’t want to sleep in the truck. I planned on just crashing on the floor here and leaving in the morning.”

  “You climbed the tree and fell over the table in front of it. Not really a smart on your part, but your lack of knowledge shows me you’ve never been in this room before. You are damned lucky I didn’t shoot first and ask questions later.”

  “I know, sir. I’m sorry. I just wanted to tell her I was here. I didn’t mean to wake you or cause any trouble.”

  Ailyn walked over to him and handed him a pair of sweatpants. “Don’t speak, don’t move.” He stepped out long enough to put on the sweats and walked back in the room.

  “Ashland, how did he know which room was the guest room?”

  “He texted me to say he got locked out of his house, so I turned off the alarm system, texted him and unlocked the window and raised it for him to come in. We weren’t going to do anything. Sleeping in the truck isn’t safe.”

  “You with me.” He pointed to Rylan. “Ashland, I’ll let your parents decide how to deal with you in the morning. Goodnight.”

  Ailyn sighed as he shut the door behind him separating the two teens.

  “Darlin’, looks like I’ll be sleeping on the pullout couch with this clown tonight. I’ll reset the system. Sleep well, we’ll call Dire and Mia in the morning, no need to bother them tonight.” He turned to Rylan. “If you try to sneak out, I’ll know. I have an uncanny intuition and eyes in the back of my head. Got me, son?” he said as he trudged down the stairs to the alarm pad.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Seth activated the system. “Good. Let’s go get some sleep.” He ushered Rylan to the living room. After he tossed the cushions from the couch, he pulled out the sleeper bed and opened the bench with a cushioned lid and removed the blanket and pillows stashed inside.

  “I sleep on the left.” He tossed a pillow to Rylan. The makeshift bed dipped as Rylan climbed on the other side and put the pillow over his head.

  Seth chuckled. He knew the game, he was once a young hormone driven boy, and his choices could’ve cost him dearly. If he could help it, he’d make sure the same didn’t happen to Rylan.

  In the morning there’d be time to figure out the best solution for the problem. More parental supervision would help. Rianna advised them not to tell Ashland she’d been spied on or watched. He disagreed. If she knew she couldn’t get away with breaking the rules, she might not keep trying to bend them her way. In the end though, he’d trust those who’d been parents for more than a few weeks and the trained professional.

  Rylan seemed like a good kid, who had a good head on his shoulders. It was clear he loved Ash. Seth only hoped Dire didn’t rip the boy’s ass to shreds in the morning. After Rylan passed out, he jogged up the stairs to look in on Ailyn and the girls, only to find his bed empty and moved onto check on Ash, finding his girl sleeping next to the snoring teen. With a smile on his lips, he headed back downstairs, secure in the knowledge the two manipulative adolescents wouldn’t be getting over on them before morning. Yeah, he loved seeing how well they worked as a united pair.

  Back downstairs, Seth lay on his back with his hands behind his head, thinking about his future with Ailyn and their daughter, hoping they’d talk about marriage and expanding their family soon. First things first, he knew she wanted to take things slow this time around. He’d bide his time and do things right.

  One day he’d thank her parents for bringing her into his life. Her absence destroyed him as a young man, although he was to blame. He’d never found solace after their split. In each woman he’d dated, he looked for her personality and found pieces of her in a few girls but not all of her. After a while, he figured only the real deal would work for him, and was on the cusp of putting an investigator on finding her for him. As he fell asleep he gave thanks to fate for intervening.

  “Breakfast is ready.”

  Seth woke up to Eva doing front flips on the pullout sofa to wake him up. “Mornin’, firecracker.” Eva flipped again and he caught her midair, hugging her to his chest. “You know the rules. What’s for breakfast?”

  “Belgum waffles with whipped cream and strawberries. Rylan helped me. Did you have a sleep over? I thought only girls had slumber parties.”

  “Firecracker, I think you meant Belgian waffles, and yeah, Rylan couldn’t get into his house last night so he crashed down here with me. Sometimes boys sleep over at a friend’s houses. What time is it, a bit early for you to be up on the weekend isn’t it?” His daughter looked at him like he was crazy.

  “You mean like Ash sleeps in until the middle of the afternoon? No. I like to get up and work on my routines. Come on, Rylan has to leave for conditioning soon and Mom is coming downstairs to eat with us. I woke her up first.”

  “All right.” Eva placed his hand in her small one and pulled with all her might to make him stand. He laughed and stood.

  “Can I watch you practice?” They entered the kitchen. He washed his hands and sat at the table. Ailyn graced the room with her beautiful sleepy face and mussed hair. Eva pointed for her to sit across from him.

  “If you want to. Mom gets tired of watching sometimes, I think.” Eva plated a waffle on three plates and brought them to the table, layered them with a pile of whipped cream, then ladled the strawberry compote on. Their daughter sat down with her waffle with double the amount of whipped cream on top. He chuckled as Ailyn frowned.

  “She has such a sweet tooth, wonder who she gets that from?” Seth turned his head to see Rylan heading upstairs with two plates. “Keep that bedroom door open, got it?”

  “Yes, sir. She’s just embarrassed, wants me to come give her a plate before I head out to conditioning.”

  Seth nodded and Rylan disappeared through the door. He ate with Ailyn and Eva in comfortable silence.

  “Done. See you downstairs, Papi. I was thinking maybe, you know, you could tape me with your phone and send it to my other grandparents if that’s okay.”

  “Sounds perfect. Thank you for breakfast.”

  “Mama, you can come down too if you want. Oh I forgot. Tio Cord texted to say he is going to be training the rest of the weekend and might not come by, but he’ll video chat with me later. He also said to tell you to reply back when he texts,” she yelled the last over her shoulder as she ran to the basement stairs.

  “Okay, babe, have fun downstairs.” The sound of the doorbell cut off her response. “I’ll go let Mia and Dire in.” She pushed back from the table and left to answer the door.

  A few minutes later Ailyn returned with two medium size packages. “The mailman is running early today.” She handed the parcels to Seth. “These are for you.”

  “Actually, they are for you. I bought you some things, your sister helped me find the right place you use and showed me how to check your wish list a few days ago. I put a rush on them.”

  Seth took out his pocket knife to slice through the packaging tape on
both boxes. “Here you go.”

  “What did you get me?” She perched her butt on his lap and lifted the flaps to see inside and gasped. “You sure know how to make a girl smile.” Ailyn pulled out a set of bow accented back seamed thigh highs with red bows, another with black bows, purple lace, zebra brand opaque, leopard and tiger printed thigh highs. Three bicolor pairs, two checkerboard pairs, a multicolored splash pair resembling tie dye, white with orange stripes, red and black stripes, and glitter fishnet thigh highs.

  She planted a hot and heavy kiss on his lips. “You are so fantastic. I’ve wanted some of these for months but they weren’t in the budget.”

  “Open your other box, darlin’.” He wrapped his arm around her midriff while she dug in the other box and pulled out matching bras, panties and a few garter belts.”

  She sniffled and he tilted her face to his. “No crying, these are supposed to make you happy not cry.”

  “I’m crying because I am happy. These make me feel beautiful. I guess I was late on liking purses or makeup, or even shoes. But wearing thigh highs do it for me. This is a personal and private way of feeling good no one else has the privilege of knowing unless I desire it. I sometimes feel nerdy.”

  “You are a sexy book smart woman. I love the nerd in you, and I love you just the way you are.”

  “That’s a song.” Ailyn laughed and wiped her tears. “Thank you for these. A girl can never have too many pairs.” He watched her put the pieces back in the boxes. “I’ll run these up and check on Rylan and Ashland.” She stood and walked out of the room in her tiny T-shirt and short shorts, giving him a full view of her curves and long legs.

  “I’ll clean up.” Seth rose from the table after her and cleared the table.

  He heard a knock on the door and jogged over to let Dire and Mia in. Mia removed her sunglasses. Seth shook his head at her pasty pallor. “You look like hell, Mia.”

  “Gee, thanks, that’s so kind of you to remark on. A girl has to let loose sometimes, just remind me to never let Sinclaire choose my limit. I hope she looks twice as bad. Where’s Ash?”