9781618857958KissMeLikeYouMeanItLeveyNC Read online

Page 6

  “Sounds good to me.” The blush spreading across her face pleased him. “The driver will be here in a few minutes.” He slipped his hand into hers and led them out, stopping briefly to engage the alarm system.

  “What? We’re not driving?” She tucked her face into the crook of his neck.

  “Nah. I was going to take the bike but I’ll probably send whatever you buy back here with the driver and we’ll stay in Manhattan.”

  “I’m not getting much though, I can get a few things but mainly want a new dress. I can’t afford a whole new wardrobe.”

  “Princess, when I said I’d take you shopping, I didn’t expect for you to pay for anything. You don’t have a job, babe. Besides what happened to your things wasn’t your fault, you were victimized a second time when you were shamed and bullied at a place you should’ve been safe at.”

  “Jackson, you can’t just buy me a whole new wardrobe. That’s not proper. We’re not dating or engaged or anything. We’re friends—well, I mean I don’t know what we are since we fight so much,” she stammered on.

  “I have more money than I know what to do with. Replacing what was destroyed isn’t a big deal. No strings attached. Got it? I’m not nice to everyone. Let me do something nice for you.”

  “Still feels wrong.” The town car pulled up to them. He never waited for the driver to open his door. Instead, he opened the backseat door and ushered her in and slid into the seat next to her.

  “Raul, downtown Manhattan, please. We’ll be stopping by Sacs, Bergdorf’s and Armani Fifth Avenue.” He buckled up and motioned for Carlie to follow suit.

  Carlie turned to him after clicking her buckle with a gaping wide open mouth, looking like a fish gasping for air. “I meant take me to like a local mall, not to Fifth Avenue.”

  “Gorgeous, as much as I like malls, it’s easier for me to shop at the boutiques. People, if they recognize me, will take pictures, but there is less of an opportunity to mass rush me there. I’ve already called the stores we’re going to stop into and advised them we’re heading in. The perk of being my father’s son gives me more leeway than just being a rock star.”

  “Oh? Who’s your father? I sort of remember him but he wasn’t around much, not that you ever talked back then. You just played music with my brother and kept to yourself at school. Girls used to say you were so quiet they thought you were a hot sociopath and talked about ways you’d fuck them, then kill them off.”

  “Haha, funny.”

  “Okay, so I made all that up. But really rumor mills had you pegged as the bad boy who’d end up getting some cheerleader pregnant or end up in jail for dealing drugs or something.”

  “I’ve never been a big talker, princess. What you see is what you get. Like it or leave it. You crazy ladies have insane imaginations.”


  “All women are crazy, babe, like all men are assholes, comes with the territory.”

  “Not all men are assholes.”

  “Trust me, we all have the asshole tendency, even if you don’t see it, it’s there, lurking just under the surface.”

  “Whatever, aren’t you breaking some guy code telling me this?”

  “Nah. I mean ya’ll do call us assholes on the regular even when we haven’t done anything.”

  Carlie laughed. “Because we know what you’re gonna do ahead of time.”

  “Smart ass. Let’s enjoy the ride.” He turned on radio and slid his hand around her shoulders.

  “Thanks, Jackson.” She leaned into him as the driver merged onto 95 S.

  Chapter Four

  Who knew Jackson could be a really nice guy. For the first time in a week, Carlie felt like her old self—her new old self. She’d never go back to being naïve. Now here she was with her rock star walking hand in hand with the one person she normally wanted to bash in the head with something hard, like a book.

  “What has you thinking so hard?” Jackson asked her while tickling her palm with his thumb.

  “You.” Carlie didn’t elaborate as he led them into another store.

  “That explains a lot.”

  “I was just thinking, why did you get your tattoos and if they have significant meaning? I wonder what your favorite color is, favorite song, favorite food?”

  “I got my first tattoo to be defiant. The tribal art spoke to me. I added the rose for my grandma and mother. The ram is for my zodiac sign. I’m an Aries. My mother’s maiden name spans across my upper back to remind me of my roots and her morals and ethics. I keep adding to my arms on tour. I guess I’ll stop when I’ve run out of canvas. Black is my favorite color, it’s not very imaginative. My favorite song depends on what I’m listening to. I have a favorite song for every genre in music probably.” He shrugged.

  “That’s cheating. You have to pick just one. I bet you don’t have a favorite movie.”

  “That is easy, Scarface.”

  “Really? How thuggish of you.”

  “C’mon it’s a great movie. How about you?”

  “Star Trek.”

  Jackson dropped her hand, clutched his heart and staggered backward. “You slay me, another Chris Pine fan?”

  Carlie let her face get the dreamy eyed look. “I mean he has perfect lips, and those mesmerizing ice blue eyes. He’s so sexy.”

  “So you’re into womanizing assholes who fuck anything that walks and loves to fight.”

  “Oh, getting jealous?” She separated them, stepping behind racks.

  “Jackson doesn’t get jealous.”

  “Dear Lord in Heaven, are you really referring to yourself in third person?” She giggled and checked out the racks.

  “No, Jackson is gonna take a seat and let the princess shop.”

  “Say that louder, I don’t think anyone heard you.” He was certifiable.

  “May I be of assistance?” A saleswoman with a nametag reading Justine approached them with perfectly stiff hair and five layers of makeup on her face. Carlie had to wonder how long it took her to get ready and how many cans of spray she used.

  To her left, Jackson was falling out of his seat rolling with laughter. Thankfully the silent kind. “Oh, I need a little bit of everything, casual, business casual, business, intimate apparel, sportswear. On his tab.” She pointed over to Jackson.

  “I’ll be glad to assist you in whatever your needs are. We’ll start with casual. Come along.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Jackson, you coming?”

  “Nah, I’m good here. You go have fun.”

  “Aww, but what if I need your opinion on something?”

  “Text me.”

  Carlie rolled her eyes at him and followed the sales lady. In the past four stores he’d abandoned her to the help and sat on his fine ass, playing with his phone. “Fine.”

  That made his head snap up and darkness shimmered in his eyes. He delivered the heated look well, making her shiver. Then his face softened as he ran a hand through his unruly hair and stood. “No need to get all worked up, princess.”

  Carlie grinned. He hated the word fine. She made a mental note to use that word whenever it suited her.

  “Don’t think every time you get into a snit I’ll give you your way.”

  His words doused her hopes of getting him to see everything her way. “Did I say anything?”

  “You women don’t need to.”

  The sales woman turned and began loading her arms up with items to try on from each section of clothing she requested. Even better, the woman was spot-on with nailing the correct size. “Young love is cute, you can argue while you dress.”

  “But we’re not—”

  “Thank you, ma’am, for all your help. I’ll take my girlfriend over to the fitting room.”

  Jackson flashed his award winning smile and the stiff woman melted. “Unbelievable,” Carlie grumbled as he led her away.

  “C’mon, princess, let’s go play dress up.”

  “That sounds strangely erotic coming from your lips.” She pushed the mountain of clot
hes in his hands, and then took a few choices back before entering the dressing room with a red face. Images of him doing naughty things to her in the dressing room elicited a moan from her lips.


  The smug bastard. “The fabric is decadent.”

  “Sure, princess, whatever you need to tell yourself.”

  “Quit flirting with me and be the assistant I need.” She tugged up the zipper on the jeans, taking in the way they fit her to perfection. She slipped on the backless halter top and was in love.

  “Ready?” She stepped out and modeled for him, sticking out her hip with a wink.

  “Cute. Are you going to put me through seeing every single outfit?”

  “You did offer to take me shopping, this is what couples do when they’re out. Except you’re not getting anything.”

  “I don’t need anything”

  “Aw, Jacksy, you didn’t know what you were getting yourself in for. That’s almost cute.”

  “Jacksy?” he sputtered. “I feel emasculated. Please don’t say that again.”

  “But Jacksy is so adorable. Fits you.” Carlie grinned and dashed back into the fitting room before he could grab her. She wasn’t prepared for him as he laid siege to the small room and cornered her in the small confines. With hands bracketing her sides, his wolfish grin stole her breath.

  “I’m nothing close to adorable. Dangerous, bad for you even, but not adorable. Take it back.”

  Carlie stood on her tiptoes. “No.” The second she uttered the words, his lips crashed over hers, harsh, demanding entry. She placed her palms on his chest, returning the lip lock with fervor. He tasted of all things, dark, alluring and so bad. Lord, the man could kiss. He was all male. She forgot herself for a moment, lost herself in his arms and wondered what being his would feel like, besides the impending heartbreak since he wasn’t a forever kinda guy. With a sigh, she broke the kiss, ending the close connection and dipped out from under his arms.

  “See what else happens next time you call me by that horrible nickname.” He quirked a brow and sauntered from the tiny space.

  Swagger, the man had some swagger that put the rest of the band to shame. Carlie fanned her face and stripped out of the current outfit, satisfied that she liked it. Next in line was a pink babydoll nightie. “Oh yeah.” She slipped the satiny article on and stepped out of the dressing room to the bank of mirrors to check out her image.

  “Get back in that dressing room now.” Jackson hurried to her side and yanked her back into the dressing area away from public view.

  “It’s just a nightgown. Relax. I wanted to see what I looked like in the bigger bank of mirrors.”

  “Jailbait. Sexy jailbait. Even though you’re not. Now take it off and put some clothes over those.” He pointed to her breasts. “And cover your legs up too. Matter of fact, I think we’re done in this store.”

  Carlie laughed. “You’re worked up over a nightie? Never thought I’d live to see the day Jackson lost his cool over women’s unmentionables. We can’t be done. I have other things to put on.”

  “Okay. Try on the rest of your things but stay in the dressing room. God, woman. I’m going to run an errand and when I’m back hopefully you’ll be ready to leave.”

  “I still need shoes.”

  “Then get them while I’m gone, you have twenty minutes.”

  She opened her mouth to speak but found that he’d left in a hurry. “Men.” Carlie slipped off the nightgown and rummaged to find her phone, thinking she’d heard a missed call. After finding her purse under the pile of what to keeps, she hit redial.

  “Hey, Jordan. Checking in?”

  “Jordan’s ass is grass.” Her twin’s voice hissed in her ear. Carlie sat down on the bench.

  “Um, hey, Carrie.”

  “Where on Earth have you been?” her sister screeched.

  “Away. After what happened and Dad’s freaked out voicemails, I wanted a few days to gather myself together before coming home. How did you figure out Jordan knew where I was?”

  “I didn’t. He left his phone on the dining room table with his call history up. The rest was a cakewalk. Where is that traitor Jackson hiding his slimeball ass at? I should tell Garrick he’s been hiding the family fugitive.”

  “Do you love me, sister?”

  “No, of course not. I mean, I’m only over here having visions of you being kidnapped or drugged or being sold into human trafficking since you haven’t called. I’m your twin sister.”

  Carlie laughed. “I’m okay, just processing what I’m going to do. I don’t have answers yet but when I do I’ll come home. I promise.”

  “So have you bagged the womanizer yet?”

  “No. I mean I basically took the man’s home hostage without permission, moved into his bedroom and well, he went for a walk to cool down.”

  “Oh you dirty girl, what did you do?”

  “Well, he brought me shopping. I put on this little nightgown and walked out to the bank of mirrors to check it out, and his ass lit out like it was on fire.”

  “This is perfect. You have the perfect chance to have your dirty fantasies of him come to life.”

  “So you’re not mad?”

  “Nah, I mean I’m excited I’m not the only fuckup now. I say that with much love because your perfect pampered ass never did anything really bad growing up. You kinda put in twenty years of bad behavior all in one pop. Way to go. Dad has calmed down a lot. Garrick provided the buffer we needed.”

  “So it’s safe to make my way home soon?”

  “Yeah, no. I didn’t say that. I think you should just lay down the law with Dad. I mean you are an adult. Garrick and the guys have done some pretty nasty shit and they barely got reamed.”

  “We are his daughters. I’m pretty sure there’s some heavy double standard going on with what we’re not allowed to do mistake wise.”

  “Yeah well, it’s not like you have a sex tape out there. Plus it’s weird, but a few days after the magazine came out and the web exclusive page went live, everything disappeared. You have a guardian angel somewhere and it wasn’t our dear ole brother.”

  “Oh. I didn’t really pay any attention to that. I was too concerned with what happened at school.

  “I bet.” Her sister sighed. “I’m so glad you’re alive and not on some ship heading to god knows where as some rulers new sex slave.”

  “You watch too many documentaries on television. I’m sorry I didn’t call you. We haven’t exactly been close since I joined the stupid sorority. I feel like shit for dipping out on you and giving them all of my attention. I know I apologized when I came home last. But I’m really sorry. How is the publishing business going?”

  “Good. I guess my children books are going to be a hit. Here I thought I was exorcising my demons with stories, not relating to how twins or multiple births around the world feel.”

  “So Shea is all forgiven?”

  “Umhm. Let me tell you the man sure knows how to grovel. I mean I was so over it, but he didn’t need to know. Things told in confidence should remain in confidence.”

  “So you won’t give up my location?”

  “Girl. You know Garrick is no dummy. I was calling to warn you Garrick and Dad activated your GPS tracking on your phone. Your location is no longer secret.”

  “By all that’s holy. I forgot about the GPS system. You don’t think they’ll come here do you?”

  “Dad has too much work to do, but I can’t promise Garrick won’t. If he does we’ll make it a group trip and I’ll let you know. Maybe we can do Nev’s reveal party in New York.”

  “Carlie.” Jackson entered the private dressing area.

  “Sounds good. I gotta go. Jackson’s back.”

  “Condoms, girl. Buy a big box of them. I’ve been on the road and the man is an animal. No glove no love, not that he’s not clean but safe sex is the only way to go unless you want a baby.”

  “God. Carrie, really? I know all about the B and B topic. What
are we in fifth grade again? Besides I’ve been on the pill forever.”

  In response, her sister started to hum Reproduction from Grease 2 as she hung up.

  “You’re not ready?’ Jackson folded his arms under his chest and glared at her. “You are messing up my time frame.”

  “Sorry Carrie called, they know I’m with you so be on the watch for a call from Garrick.”

  “Already had one, where I had to promise my left nut I wouldn’t defile you. So please don’t buy that pink nightie, it’ll be the death of me.”

  “Maybe I want you to defile me, Jacksy.”


  “Just keeping you on your toes. What was so important that you have me on a schedule now?”

  “Reservations. We have to get to dinner, bowling and karaoke unless you’ve changed your mind.”

  “Hell no. I live for a chance to make you humiliate yourself for fun.” Carlie winked.

  “Good then here is your dress and shoes. I’ll have all of this paid for while you’re getting ready.”

  For the first time, she noticed he’d changed into a pair of slacks and dress shirt, buttoned up proper, with the sleeves rolled up just enough to see the tattoos on his forearms. “You clean up well.”

  “Thanks. Now get ready.” He gathered up all of her clothing in his arms and handed them off to a sales person. “Please ring these up and have someone deliver them outside to my car. Raul is waiting.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Look at you instructing people to do your bidding. So my sister said the magazine disappeared from stores and the web-link is no longer active.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s good right?”

  “What did you do, Jacksy? My sister said she didn’t know how all of that disappeared, meaning my family didn’t make the situation go away, that only leaves you.” Thankfully every woman came prepared. She pulled out wipes and deodorant to freshen up before dressing.

  “Took care of an uncomfortable situation.”

  “When did you have time to do that?” She let her hair down and ran a brush through it. Then she fished in her purse for some wooden hair sticks before wrapping her hair into a sleek twist and securing the mass.