9781618857958KissMeLikeYouMeanItLeveyNC Page 10
She recoiled as if hit with a physical slap. The sting of his words shouldn’t have been so unexpected. She just wanted to talk to him.
I don’t know what else you want me to say or do to fix this.
She hit send.
There is nothing to say or do, unfixable.
What? You’re being unreasonable. We are fixable, totally fixable. Fine. I’ll leave. Carrie, Nev, Shea and Garrick will be here soon. I’ll get out of your hair and stay gone forever. Going to pack now.
Frustrated, she wanted to throw her phone until her text chimed.
Don’t show up at the gig. I don’t want you there.
What was he five fucking years old? She reread the message a second time.
You can’t have it both ways, either. I’m at your house or at the gig. What am I supposed to do while waiting to take the plane home with my family?
Whoever coined the phrase it’s better to have loved once than not at all should be hung, drawn and shot for being a liar.
Grow up and quit whining about shit you do to yourself. Stay there you can go home with Garrick, but when I show up there is no talking about this shit. Do you understand me?
Loud and clear.
Carrie’s plan wouldn’t work, since she’d be forced to go home.
Why do you have to have the last word?
She put her hands to her temple to calm down.
He was taking pleasure in goading her, damn if she didn’t want to scream. She flipped up her middle finger, took a picture and sent it. A moment later a flickering light bulb went off in her head illuminating a new idea. Knowing he was more affected than he thought, she planted a chair right in front of the camera, stripped naked and sat. With a fuck you expression on her face, she shoved her fingers in her pussy, brought them out and licked them, giving him something to really stew on.
The doorbell rang, ending her moment of defiance. She walked to the bed and slipped on a robe, padded her way through the house, then took the stairs two at a time to see who was at the door. She assumed her sister was closer than she said and swung the door open to greet her. Her hands immediately went to her body and the satin robe barely concealing her shape. “Mr. Laurant. I’m sorry I was expecting my sister.”
“Please make yourself presentable.” He brushed past her into the house. “I’ll wait for you in the den. Do hurry. I am a busy man.”
“Uh, sir, Jackson isn’t home. He’ll be here later.”
“Home? You say this as if it’s your home now.” He gifted her with a sardonic grin.
“I’m just a visitor.”
“Really? I’ve seen my son splashed with you across the magazines. Go get dressed.”
“I don’t care and if it’s all the same, say what you must then leave. I’m not yours to boss around.” Although her heartbeat thudded in panic she refused to let him know. God what a coldhearted bastard.
“I can see why he’s smitten with you. However, don’t delude yourself in thinking you’re good enough for him. I have plans, a future fiancé in the works for him.”
Carlie inhaled a startled breath and watched him pour the decanter of brandy. “What do you mean?”
“Let me be clear. Your family has had my son’s attention long enough. It’s time for Jackson to move back where he belongs, and that is not in a rock band. It’s time he grows up and becomes responsible.”
“You are cruel and insensitive. You don’t know the work it takes to be in a band or the responsibility of others under them. His talent provides for many employees and gives him a chance to inspire people daily. Music is more work than playing an instrument. It’s like breathing to him and if you think he’d put that aside to run some stuffy ass hotel and resort franchise you are out of your mind.” Jackson’s father glared at her as if no one ever spoke to him the way she did. The thought that this douche disliked lip made her continue her tirade.
She took a breath. “He is his own franchise, respected and coveted outside your influence and without your name. He’d wither and die if he couldn’t express himself, a piece of him would die. Just like your wife did. But you didn’t care a fuck about her either. You are nothing but an opportunistic user. Go to Hell and get the fuck out of his house.”
“Don’t be so melodramatic and don’t get too comfortable here. You don’t belong.”
Carlie crossed her arms in an effort to shield her body more. His leering gaze made her uncomfortable. Jackson had his height and his coloring, but thank God that was all. “It’s you who doesn’t belong. I can see now why he practically lived in my house growing up. Spending any time in a cold mausoleum with you is a hellish existence I’d never wish on my worst enemy.”
“Don’t take my kindness for weakness. Get out of my son’s life and stay out or you will regret crossing me.” He raised his hand as if to hit her but backed down as she flinched and shied away from him.
“Get out,” Carlie screamed.
“You foolish girl are in love with him. This is rich. He is like me in many respects. He craves a variety of flesh. Don’t put your hopes all in one basket. He’ll never settle for one piece of ass for the rest of his life. But in our world, when he marries who I choose, he won’t have to. Discretion is the key. He’ll have his lovers and she’ll have hers.”
“How you could’ve made such a wonderful son is beyond me. My God, you make me sick. You don’t know a thing about love or him. Except for my brother and Shea, it’s no wonder he doesn’t trust anyone enough to let them all the way in.
“If I am given the chance to prove that I love him and it’s unconditional without strings, I will because he deserves to know how that feels, just once in his life. I can only imagine how being caught in the war between you and his mom damaged him. Her legacy or yours. Nothing was ever about him, just what others planned for him. I said to get out before I call the cops.” Carlie didn’t back down. “Let’s see what public perception of you is after your name is splashed all over the papers for trespassing and bullying.”
A red faced Mr. Laurant finished his drink and stalked out of the den. She followed after him and secured the door as soon as he cleared it. The man probably never had anyone put him in his place before. Carlie stormed up the stairs and into the room she shared with Jackson. For once his scent didn’t calm her. She tuned out her brain and forced herself to focus. After rummaging through a dresser, she found her running gear and donned her shorts and tank top and dressed, determined to clear the negativity from her mind. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and stuffed her feet into her running shoes. Her phone vibrated on the bed. She glanced down and began to reply but stopped. In her current mood she’d reply with something that would start a war. Instead, she dropped it back on the bed and left the room.
Seaweed and salt scented the air as she left the house. Carlie walked to the front drive and stretched. As she sprinted down the street, the breeze soothed her ruffled feathers. Drawing fresh air into her lungs cleansed the tumultuous emotions surging through her. When she looked up, she didn’t recognize where she was.
Spying a store, she slowed her pace to a jog and walked the last two hundred yards to decrease her heart rate. A young woman at a counter stood as she approached. “I’m sorry to bother you but I’m lost. Went for a run and I’m not sure exactly where I am.”
“Hi, of course I’ll help. Where did you begin your run at?”
“38 Sacket Landing. It’s such a pretty day and I was lost in thought.”
“I’d say so, that’s about fifteen miles from here.” The young woman looked impressed.
“I run a mile in about seven minutes so I’ve been running for a hundred and five. I was supposed to be somewhere. There is no way I can get back in time. I don’t even have my id on me.”
“Don’t panic. Let me get you a bottle of water out of the fridge on the house and I’ll give you a lift back.”
“You’d do that? You don’t even know me. I’m sorry.” She forgot her manners. “I’m
“Nice to meet you. My name is Sarah and it’s all right. I own this store. Come have some water, I’m surprised you didn’t drop of dehydration.”
“I run all the time. I was just worked up and not in the right headspace.” She patted her neck for her whistle and groaned. She usually never forgets the rape whistle Jackson gave her in high school when she was running in the dark at midnight. She learned having one was a mandatory item all through college on the cross country team. It was like putting on deodorant, she never forgot to wear it or her phone. Running in anger was not a good idea.
“Here is your water.” Carlie took the water and took a long luxurious sip. “Thanks, that is some great water.” She wiped sweat off her brow.
“Let’s go. I’ll run you home, then head on home early.”
Carlie thanked her lucky stars. Things could’ve been worse. No phone, no id, no note. Well it wasn’t like anyone was waiting for her back at Jackson’s place. She climbed into the passenger side of a chic sporty car.
“So are you a new resident to the area?”
“No, just visiting friends. I’m flying home tonight or tomorrow but I’ve enjoyed being here.”
“That’s too bad, I enjoy new faces now and then. You can pick a station if you want.”
“That’s all right. I’d rather just relax and figure out how I’m going to get ready in time.”
“Big plans?” As Sarah drove she saw how far out she came, she didn’t recognize a damn landmark.
“My brother’s band flew up to see another band play. My twin sister and future sister-in-law will be here too. I’ve missed her the past few months.”
“Oh that’s nice. What type of music?”
“Rock and roll. Do you listen?”
“No but my nieces are in love with a few rock bands and some rappers, although I’ll take rock over rap. I’m more of a Journey and Bee Gees type of girl, some Chicago too.”
“Nice listing. I listen to everything but I’ll never tell my brother my favorite music is country, it’d probably wound him.” Carlie looked around in confusion wondering how she got so far off the mark.
“Hey, it’s okay. In a few minutes you’ll see where you turned wrong. I’m glad our town is pretty safe. I’d hate to think of one of my nieces getting hurt and never knowing.”
“I’m sorry. It’s just been a rough few weeks for me. How do you know where to go?”
“Rye isn’t very big. Plus I have GPS.”
Carlie laughed. “Thank you so much. I really am a lucky duck.” When Sarah turned a corner, she recognized a park and sighed in relief.
“I told you.”
“Yes, you did. So have you always owned your store?”
“My dad and mom owned it before me. They’ve retired to Florida so it’s all mine and let me tell you how wonderful owning your own business is. Stressful at times but wonderful.”
“Sounds wonderful. Okay, you can turn on the next street and I’ll get out and punch in the code.” Sarah followed her directions and put her car in park. Carlie dashed out and around to the driver’s side to punch in the sequence. Wrought iron gates swung open. She motioned for Sarah to drive through while she walked through and waited for the door to swing close behind them. When all was secure, she hopped back in the car. “Thanks. Okay the house is all the way up this winding trail at the top.”
“You should add another mile onto what you ran.” Sarah shook her head and sped up the drive. “Beautiful land.”
“I love it here. I have grown used to waking up to the smell of the ocean every morning and the wind on my face when I come out to enjoy the sun.”
“Then why leave?”
“Complicated relationship that didn’t work out.”
“Would that complication be the shirtless piece of sin standing in the middle of the driveway wearing a pissed off expression?”
“What?” Carlie snapped her head up.
“I was wrong, make that three half naked sinful men standing in the driveway all wearing the same expression.”
“How about we turn around and you can take me home with you. I don’t have to go to the gig.”
“Girlfriend, I don’t think we’d make it to the gate in enough time. Who are they?”
Carlie sighed. “The tall dark broody one on the end is my big brother Garrick. The one in the middle is my twin’s boyfriend Shea and the one stalking toward us is Jackson.”
“Ah the complicated relationship.”
“The one and only.” Carlie took a deep breath. “I can do this. I am brave. They, well two of them love me.”
Sarah laughed. “I think they’re a bit relieved to see you’re okay.”
“Yeah. Don’t bet the farm on it. Thank you for seeing me home.”
“Safety in numbers. I’ll get out with you and they’ll have to remain calm for a few minutes.”
“You are my new best friend.” Carlie gave her a devoted look of thanks and climbed out. Jackson was on her in seconds. He spun her around and appraised her from head to toe. She saw worry in his eyes and maybe a little panic. Followed by ice-cold rage. Again. His jaw clenched.
“Where have you been, princess?”
“I went for a run.” She shrugged.
“Hear that, bros? She went for a run.”
“I heard loud and clear,” Garrick snapped and stepped forward to back up Jackson.
“No wallet, no phone, and your whistle was on the bed. Clearly, you left to run over an hour ago.” Jackson’s instant calm voice terrified her, reminded her of the eye of a storm.
“I’m a big girl, Jackson. I know how to get out of a bad sitch. Meet this lovely lady, Sarah, she brought me home.”
“Thank you.” He flashed her a winsome smile and turned his attention back to Carlie. “Where were you that you needed a ride?”
“Not that I owe you any answers. I don’t know. I kind of got a bit lost.”
“What happened between the time you were in the camera to when you left. I texted you a dozen times and got no answer.”
Oh hell no he didn’t. “Wait.” Carlie held up her hand. “No, you didn’t go there. I texted you for four days and you finally grace me with your acerbic asshole tendencies, that you get from your father by the way, and then have the gall to ask me why I went for a run?”
“Twin.” Carrie came behind Carlie and stood toe to toe against Jackson. “Back off. We have a guest. This is private.”
“It’s okay, sis,” she said over Carrie’s shoulder. “You know what you kicked me out of your life earlier today. Watch your security footage. I don’t think you’re entitled to any answers from me. Now if you’ll excuse me I want to introduce my sister to my new friend. Remember you asked me to leave. That gets your shit out of my perspective.”
Jackson spun away and stormed into the house. Garrick and Shea followed behind him. Carlie heaved a sigh of relief and turned to Sarah. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s all good. I need to get going in a few. If it’s any consolation, as an outsider, that man is so far gone I doubt he wants you out of his life.”
“Yeah, well tell that to his brain.” Carlie hugged her. “This is my sister Carrie. Carrie, Sarah, who is an awesome people savior. Next time I’m in town I’ll come to your store by car. I’d invite you in but it’s not my house and I have a feeling they’re not done with me.”
“Aww, sis. I totally have your back, besides we have to go soon.”
“Thanks again.” Carlie watched Sarah get in her vehicle and drive away.
“So how far out were you this time?”
“I ran fifteen miles without knowing how far I’d veered off the path. I was so pissed off after Jackson’s father left.” Carrie knew how distracted she got at times when running. She had hoped no one else in the family noticed her long absences.
“Oh crap, he’s a rat bastard. I’m sorry.” Carrie hugged her. “Let’s go inside, you, stinky lady, need a shower. I’ll pick out a
n outfit for you.”
“You are the bestest and I’ve missed you so damn much. Let’s go to the same college this time and get an apartment together. No plastic bitches allowed.”
“I don’t know if I’m going back, but I’ll room with you so long as we’re not far from home. Or you could come home and figure out what you want to do, finish your online classes home with me, Garrick, Mom and Dad. Plus Jordan is dying to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’ll think about it. I’m going to miss being here. I love the East Coast, sis, more than the Midwest.”
“Well let’s go get you a shower. The rest will work itself out somehow.”
As they entered the house, she put a finger up to Garrick. “I’m a grown ass woman, you have to stop getting all possessive and protective. I am fine. Same for you, Shea. And you, Jackson, I just don’t have the energy to deal with right now. I’m going to take a shower so we can head to the gig. When we return, I will pack and be out of your life. Don’t follow me.” She dashed up the stairs to get ready.
Chapter Seven
“Dude, what part of don’t defile my sister did you not get?”
“I kept my word, bro.”
“Really, cuz all I see is my sister is a hot mess and you aren’t faring any better than she is.”
“Yeah, well take that up with her. Not me.” He loved Garrick like a brother but some things weren’t his damn business.
“I’m taking it up with you. What the fuck! There are a million women you can fuck. You don’t do relationships. Ever. She isn’t strong enough to get over you.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“The only emotion you show is when you’re playing. I don’t want to pick the broken pieces of her up when you walk away, and you will walk. It’s been your pattern for years.”
“You’re worrying for nothing. She is free to leave when she wants and I imagine she’ll be leaving soon.” He wasn’t prepared for the fist Garrick slammed in his face. Jackson’s head snapped and blood spurted from his lip. He let Garrick get another hit in.
“Stop it,” Carrie screamed. “Shea do something.”