9781618857958KissMeLikeYouMeanItLeveyNC Page 11
Her boyfriend stepped between them for a moment. “Chill out, Garrick.”
“Garrick. Stop. Please.” Nevaeh put a hand on her baby bump and blew out a breath. “I go to take a quick nap and all I hear is fighting. Stressing me out isn’t good for the baby.”
Garrick lunged for Jackson again but stopped at her words. “You’re right, doll, I’m sorry.”
Jackson felt like a heel and backed down. “Sorry, Nev.”
Carlie came barreling back down the stairs wrapped in a towel. One look at her dripping wet body and flushed face and he wanted to take the towel and fuck her even though he was pissed as hell. “I can’t even get in the shower. What is wrong with you two? Ya’ll are like brothers.” She noticed Nev and lowered her tone. “Garrick, he did not do anything to me. I messed up big, and now because of that stupid promise he made you he can barely look at me. She turned to Jackson. He saw the regret but it changed nothing. “I’m so sorry, Jackson. I can’t make you see what happened was a crazy spur of the moment decision aimed at getting around your stupid promise to Garrick. That didn’t give me the right to take away your choice. I know that now.”
“I’m going to go back upstairs to take my nap before the delivery men come to assemble the new beds for the guest rooms. Try to keep it down, consider it practice.” Nev pointed at all of the men and winked at Carrie and Carlie.
“What in the hell are you talking about, Carlie?” Garrick quietly raged.
“Nothing. Garrick. Drop it. Carlie don’t you dare say another fucking word,” Jackson hissed in a near whisper.
“You and me, to the other room, now.” Garrick pointed to his sister.
Carlie’s sad face softened his anger a tad but not enough to forgive her actions and his loss of trust with her.
He heard her softly weeping and Garrick’s harsh questions. She told him everything, and he had to relive how she’d cuffed him to his bed while he slept and manipulated his body. How he woke to nearly being fully seated in her virgin flesh and the pain that flashed in her eyes. He couldn’t move to prevent the pain she put herself through. Bare, she’d fucked him bare, with no regard to protection against pregnancy. He’d been checked so disease wasn’t a factor. She was a virgin so her needing to be checked was a non-issue. He never fucked bare and she didn’t give him a choice. She took, and in her pain he couldn’t allow his anger to make her first time traumatic. He responded and when she refused to uncuff him, he threatened her.
His gut clenched as she’d told him she need him this way. He hated her manipulation but wanted her so damn bad he couldn’t fight the need to possess and own. That was his fault, she was a virgin and after he broke free of her bondage attempt, he single-mindedly possessed every inch of her as if she’d been fucking for years instead of easing into his brand of sex. She’d been with him the whole way, taking and giving back, molding her body to his in perfection. The sounds that came out of her mouth seduced him, drove him to unleash her passions until she couldn’t take anymore. To punish her for what he’d expect a groupie to do, not the one girl he trusted more than anyone. He shook himself out of his haze and continued listening.
“Carlie girl, man did you fuck up.” He heard a sigh bringing him out of the event that changed his feelings for her.
“I was told this was a okay thing, that guy’s got off on bondage and his complaints only mattered if he wasn’t hard. I don’t know much about sex so I trusted my informant. She’s like the expert and knows how men react. If I’d known he’d hate me I wouldn’t have done what I did. I thought we were playing a game. He got loose, and well, you don’t want to know, but it was so good. He could’ve walked away but he finished what I started. Part of me feels he has no right to treat me like this since he wanted me. The other part of me thinks his reaction was a better option than causing me physical harm.”
“Who told you to do this?”
“I cannot tell you. It’s not important.”
“Sis, a naked pretty girl would make a monk’s dick hard.”
“How do I fix this? I’ll do anything.”
“Give him time to get over forced submission. I can’t believe you cuffed him to a bed and fucked him without permission. That is intense and an image I don’t want a movie reel playing in my head.”
“But what about you and him?”
“We’re like brothers we’ll be all right. Now go finish your shower, you’re going to get a cold sitting here half naked and wet.”
Jackson quit eavesdropping and grabbed a beer from the fridge, wincing as the bottle hit his split lip. Garrick joined him and fished for his own longneck bottle.
“I am sorry, bro. What a fucking bizarre conversation.”
“Why are you smiling, shit’s not funny.”
“Sorry, I keep seeing you cuffed and helpless against princess.”
“Fuck, when you put it that way, it’s comical. Fucking embarrassing though. Can’t believe she broke down and told you. Damn man, forget I said that. It’s Carlie we’re talking about not Carrie.”
“I can see a groupie doing that but not my sister. Man, she hogtied you and made you her sex slave.”
“You already owe me two free shots, don’t make it three.”
“So what are you going to do?”
“Pray she doesn’t end up pregnant.”
“Shit. No hat?”
“Nope, guess she didn’t think that part of her crazed plan out.”
“This is my fault, shouldn’t have made you promise that shit. It’s not that I don’t think you’re good enough for her. I love you, bro, but I didn’t want to see shit fall apart if you couldn’t handle commitment.”
“Yeah, well I agreed, so it’s our fault. I don’t know if I can let this shit go, man, that woman isn’t the one I know or like, even love.”
“She’s still my sister and I have to think of her overall well-being. What was that quip about your father she let slide?”
“Man, I don’t know. I don’t have time to watch my links now. We have a band to go see. I really think ya’ll will like her. Where is Jimmy at?”
“He said he’d meet us there. He had some things to take care of first.”
“Cool. You want something to eat?” He made them each a sandwich.
Carrie walked by and slapped him in the back of the head.
“Do that again and I’ll—”
“I got this, bro. Carebear, quit riling the lion in his den.”
“He’s an idiot.”
“An idiot that knows you gave her the advice to cuff me to my fucking bed.”
“You can’t possibly think it’s me,” Carrie denied his accusations.
“Oh, I know it’s you, Carrie. She always drunk texts you or the girls from home and since they’re not here, I can assume it was you who gave her that crap advice.”
“Oh get over your wounded pride. She loves you Jackson and you’re just going to let her walk away.”
“This right here, is why I have the do not date my sisters rule. If this shit affects the band, ya’ll will see my ass go postal. Do you feel me?” Garrick glared at Shea and Jackson.
“Dude, Carebear and I are cool. No need to be a dick to me.”
“Thanks for shoving me under the bus,” Jackson yelled at Shea.
“Quit letting your dad win and hiding behind the death of your mom and grandma, dickwad.” Garrick stepped between Shea and Jackson before blood was drawn.
“We love you, man. We do, but seriously, Shea is right. You have to let someone in sometime and allow yourself to be happy.”
Carlie came down the stairs interrupting their botched intervention. He took one look at her in a cute short sundress and lust slammed into him. Fuck she is hot. She brushed past him with her fruity scented perfume and locked arms with her sister totally ignoring him. They all headed outside in an awkward silence.
“Let’s go get this done.” Carlie climbed into the car with her sister and brother. Jackson climbed into the driver’s seat with Shea nex
t to him.
Tension riddled the interior of the vehicle. Everyone seemed content to roll in silence. Jackson flipped on the radio, turning to the popular rock station.
Carlie rolled her eyes and plugged in her earbuds.
“Got a problem, princess?”
“Yeah. You assume we want to listen to rock.”
Jackson found her gaze in the rearview mirror. “What are you talking about?”
“I like country, but you don’t know because you’ve never asked me. Carrie she likes pop but every time we’re in a car we have to listen to rock.”
Jackson frowned and quickly flipped the dial to a mixed station that played all the hits. “Better, your highness?”
“Pleased as punch, thank you, Sir Dickhead.”
“Tonight is going to be sheer hell for all of us,” Garrick muttered.
“Oh, I love this sick beat.” Carrie began bouncing to the song on the radio.
Jackson concentrated on music. Now and then he’d glance at Carlie wondering if salvaging their issues was possible.
They reached the club in record time. He pulled into a reserved parking lot and parked the car. Everyone poured out of the truck and headed inside. He stopped and grabbed Carlie’s arm, holding her back from the others.
“What do you want from me?” Carlie moved to storm past him.
“I want to know what happened at my house between you and my father. I’m guessing he came by since you made that cryptic remark.”
“He did, no biggie.”
“It was a big deal, if it sent you running for almost two hours. Do you remember the last time you went for a run at home and were gone for three hours at four in the morning? I do. I remember ice cold fear traveling down my gut because there are bad people out there. I gave you the whistle for a damn good reason and an armband to hold your phone in.”
“We are here to listen to that girl you found. Let’s go or did you forget you hate me and will never forgive me?”
“I have a right to be angry at being manipulated, princess. Not that I have to explain my emotions to you.”
“Yeah, why don’t you save yourself the trouble? I mean you fucked me like I was one of your groupies. Maybe that’s what I should ask you for, since you clearly avoid emotional entanglements. I guess mindless fucking is all you are good at. Getting off without giving yourself.”
“Is that what you want? For me to treat you like a groupie?” Anger sliced through him at the way she belittled her worth. He may have fucked the shit out of her for her first time but that didn’t mean he thought she wasn’t worth more.
Jackson fisted a hand in her hair and crushed his lips to hers, silencing her reply once again. God she tasted of all things good. Her sweet body responded to him in a way he hadn’t expected. Carlie’s quiet moans from a bit of roughness made his dick hard as steel. He expected her to be scared not to respond in equal measures. His attempt to teach her sexy ass a lesson backfired. He pulled her into the alley next to the club, pressed her against the wall and kneeled to hoist her leg over his shoulder. He dove like a man possessed. He shredded the thong shielding her core with one pull, giving him full access to her juicy cunt. In seconds, he had trembling under his mouth. He imagined how her sexy brown eyes would dilate for him as he brought her crashing to release. She should be slapping his face and calling him all kinds of names. Instead, her nimble fingers grabbed at his hair. He stopped tongue fucking her to growl, “Stay still.”
His dick throbbed to be buried in her core.
“Come for me. Now.” He set the pace as heat from her core seeped into him. Dragging his face over her delicious pussy, he groaned and concentrated on making her climax. Wantonly, she responded, took initiative and hastened the pace, her hands digging into his scalp. He removed his lips from her and thrust four fingers in deep. She closed her eyes.
“Keep them open, princess. I want you to remember you asked for this.”
Carlie opened her big brown eyes and locked on to his. He breathed in her short hitches of breath, and jerky movements. She was close, damn close. When the first spasms hit his dick he almost came in his jeans like an untried teen. So sexy, her face flushed and her lids drooped. Oh yeah. He clutched her flesh in his hands, enjoying the wetness coating his digits. When her labored breathing subsided, he set her down. Unbuckling his belt and tugging at his zipper, he allowed his cock to spring free of confinement.
“Put you pretty mouth around my dick, princess.” He fisted his cock.
She edged forward watching him with worry and swept her tongue across her kiss swollen lip.
“We’re outside. I’m not sure…”
“Either suck it or go inside.”
Please leave. But God the thought of having those perfect lips around my dick makes me want to bust a nut.
She exhaled a breath and slid to her knees in front of him, ran her hands up his quads and licked him from sac to crown. Fuck, her touch feels good. He spread his legs wider. With one hand at the base, he guided his flesh into her mouth. Showed her how to work with his barbell, let her grasp his dick and glide her hand up his beaded shaft. Together they moved in tandem with his hand over her slender one, showing her how tight to hold and stroke him. What a quick study she was. He threw his head back and clenched his teeth as she sucked him better than any groupie ever had. When she began to moan around him and alternating her speed, playing with him, he tamped back shooting down her throat. The vibrations from her vocal cords hitting the titanium just under his skin were sweet agony.
“Quit playing and just suck it,” he snarled at her, half mad at her and himself for allowing things to go this far in public. She dragged her mouth off and worked the crown only, flicking her tongue over the piercing and then sucking the top into her hot little mouth again. Sweat gathered on his brow and his dick jerked free of her bobbing lips. The tip hit her tongue as he stepped back for a moment, ignoring her look of confusion.
He wanted to punish her for not using protection in his room, needed her to know the boundaries and that he’d decide if he wanted to change them.
“I want more.” Her husky voice turned him on that much more as she sucked and licked him.
“Good. Now hold still. I’m fucking close because of your sweet mouth, princess.” Jackson slid deeper into her mouth and held the back of her head, one hand keeping her jaw in place while he stroked in and out of her hot orifice. His eyes never left hers, as he worked her mouth close to bringing him off. She looked at him in confusion when he pulled away.
“Stand, face forward, put your hands on the wall and flip your dress up to your waist.” Jackson checked around them to make sure no one saw them in the shadows while slipping a condom from his pocket and on his cock. She hesitated, but the want he saw in her face prompted her to do as he asked.
Carlie’s legs shook as he speared into her pussy from behind. He kept a hand anchored on her shoulder and one on her luscious ass. Her pussy clamped around him. He sensed her attempt to scramble to break away as sensation overwhelmed her. He adjusted his position, immobilizing her. “No running, baby girl. Just you and me here. Now.” He seated himself with one thrust home and savored the feel of her tight cunt wrapped around his dick. His beads popping against each other added another layer of sensation on each withdrawal. The four 5/16 Teflon beads along the top of his shaft stimulated other pleasure spots deep inside her pussy.
“I’m going to die. Slow down. S-slow down, Jackson.”
“Those orgasms you bring yourself off with that clit stimulator didn’t prepare you for this, hmm.”
“No, not even close.”
He practiced what he preached, by giving her no reprieve. Her body sucked him into a tight vortex of sensation, leaving him as shaken as he shook her. Finding her nipples, he gave them a hard tweak, causing her cunt to ripple and contract around him. Cream drenched her channel saturating him. Dark lust bathed him, soothed his anger at comparing herself to a mindless groupie fu
ck. He couldn’t hurt her, not his princess. When she succumbed to the maelstrom of pleasure rolling between them he nearly went over too. He altered the glide of his cock in her needy pussy struggling to prolong her pleasure. He wanted to see her soar, but the strength of her orgasm proved to be his undoing. Her rippling core tightened on his dick, and pulled him over that inevitable edge. Release surged from his balls, his cock jerked as ropes of cum bathed the inside of the barrier.
Stepping away, Jackson slipped from her welcoming heat. She brushed her legs off and pulled her dress back in place but not before he got a glimpse of the wetness dripping down her thighs. Red faced, Carlie stormed past him and headed into the club. After she left his sight, he followed suit, tossing the condom in the trash by the entrance. Now she knew how a groupie was fucked. No tenderness, no intimacy and completely different from how he’d brought her pleasure her first time, even though he was too angry to give her just a plain hard screw. If she was smart, she’d never push him to treat her like a stranger again. He felt like shit but wanted, no needed, her to know the difference.
At the bar he ordered a double whiskey on the rocks and two beers, a chaser for him and one for Carlie. The burn as the whiskey traveled down his throat felt good.
“Christ, when the fuck did life get so damn difficult?”
“Woman troubles buddy? They get a man in the balls every time. Can’t live with them or without them. Just apologize. Even if you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I haven’t done anything wrong.” He set his glass down. The bartender filled it back up.
“Ahh. You look mighty guilty mate. Apologize anyway. Drink’s on the house.”
Maybe the bartender was right. He’d apologize and when the night was over he’d get to the bottom of his father’s visit with Carlie. If he was honest, he wasn’t ready for her to go home. They had unsettled business. Leaning against the bar, he watched the band on stage playing while rolling his neck. They were good but had a common sound that he’d heard for years. He and the guys wanted a fresh sound and he’d bet his bank account Sameera would deliver. She sat at the table with his bros talking up a storm. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jimmy walk in. He gave him a nod and waited for him to order a drink. A few minutes later, they crossed the bar to sit at their reserved table.