9781618857958KissMeLikeYouMeanItLeveyNC Page 12
Sameera stood and smiled at him. The next second, the pretty girl clocked Jimmy across the face with an open palm and began to curse in another language rapidly. Arabic if he remembered correctly. Holy fuck. The smack down echoed and made all heads snap their direction in response. Jackson sat the drinks down and stood between them, blocking the little firestorm from his mate. “Hey, girlie, chill out. This is your night, simmer down, darlin’. Jimmy, you cool?” His friend sported a wicked bright red hand print.
“Yeah. Sam and I go way back. I had that one coming. S’good.”
“Good, I’m going to enjoy my beer.” He took a seat and kept an eye out for his princess. She headed his way, her clothing in place and her face no longer flushed. She flashed him a confused look and then steeled her expression. He watched as the ice queen appeared, only to flicker away as uncertainty took over once she reached the table. Garrick pulled her to his side and hugged her. She melted into him and Jackson wanted to draw blood. He visibly saw the tension leave her body as a smile lit her face at something her brother said.
Now and then she’d sneak looks his way. After Sameera calmed down, she and Jimmy disappeared.
“Wonder what’s up with that,” she commented and kicked back to nudge Carrie.
“Man, who the hell knows. I asked her if she was good before calling Garrick. Didn’t want our boy walking into a surprise reunion.” Jackson reached over Shea to hand Carlie her beer.
“Thanks.” Her shy response made him feel like a dick. The bartender was fucking right. He motioned for her to come over to him. She shook her head no and he frowned.
“Don’t be like that.”
With a sigh, she left her brother’s embrace and walked over to him. Arms crossed in a defensive stance she stared him down. “I don’t want to fight.”
“Good, neither do I.”
“I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. I should’ve kept in control and waited to show you how much I wanted you instead of…you know.” He didn’t want to broadcast he fucked her sideways from Sunday outside in plain sight.
“Tension comes to a head with us at the most inappropriate times. I know your buttons. So no worries. You didn’t give me anything I didn’t ask for.”
Shea gave him a weird look. He flipped him the bird. Jimmy and Sameera appeared. His bro was not a happy camper while she appeared at ease and happy.
“The world is a small, small place,” he said to no one in particular.
“What’s their story?” He forgot Carlie missed the grand slap.
“They have some intense history. Sameera was his late brother Miles’ fiancé. No clue about what brewed between them.”
“Death is hard. No one handles grief the same way. Do you think something happened physically between them? That would make sense to me. Could be two broken hearts and the reason why he’s been a dick ever since Miles’ death to females in general. Ever wonder why you two were dubbed wing men? I don’t know who’s had more one night stands, him or you.” She tossed her beer back.
I’d drop them all for you. He didn’t speak the words. Instead, he sipped his beer and observed Shea and Carrie. When Carlie sat on his lap, he sighed in relief and hooked an arm around her waist. She smelled so good.
Shea tipped his chair over and whispered in Jackson’s ear. “Bout damn time ya’ll made up. Garrick can climb off my back now.” Carlie took a swipe at Shea’s jelled mohawk and pretended the sharp spike stabbed her. Shea kissed her uninjured hand and took a beating from Carrie.
“Perv, there is no sister threesome happening or foursome, I know how you horny rockers are.” Garrick frowned and Carlie busted out laughing. The sound of her giggle was refreshing, he stared at her smiling face until Shea kicked his foot.
Jackson gifted Shea with a what the hell eyebrow raise.
“Bro, you just looked scary domesticated and shit. Never thought I’d see the day.”
Jackson glared at his friend who was off his rocker. He enjoyed Carlie’s company and now the use of her body, and yeah he liked her in his home when he showed up, that didn’t make him domesticated. Ah fuck. It did. He brought his bottle to his mouth and took a sip, half listening to Carlie talk to her sister and half paying attention to what the others were discussing. With a break on stage while Sameera’s band set up, there wasn’t a need to scream to be heard.
Absently, he rubbed her back and reveled in how her body relaxed at his touch. She got up to help Sameera and her band set up.
“Yeah? You and my sister back on point now?” Damn, big brother is going to be a pain.
“Fuck if I know. I think so. I’ll talk to her later. I haven’t had a chance to find out what set her off yet.”
One of the Sameera’s bandmates stepped too close to Carlie for his liking. He knew the play, and if he didn’t move soon, dude had a death wish. She pushed his arm and giggled at something he whispered in her ear. Whatever he said must’ve been sexual, her face turned beet red as she stepped away from his personal space. The thought of her with any other man set his teeth on edge.
“Who you aiming that ass beating look at?”
“The tool flirting with her. Did he not see her on my lap?”
“Carlie’s a good girl, bro. You know this. He’ll find out for himself she’s not one of those bang and forget chicks.”
“I know she’s not like them, still don’t like anyone touching her or peeling off her clothes with their eyes. She is mine.”
Carlie chose that second to turn her head his way. She quickly dropped her eyes as if she’d done something wrong. Dude next to her got a clue and put some distance between them. Then she was heading his way. He punched Shea who was laughing his ass off. The situation wasn’t funny.
“You okay?”
“No he’s not, he is green with jealousy,” Carrie interjected and slid onto Shea’s lap.
“Over him? Really? That’s insulting. He’s like a boy, barley over eighteen. What the hell would I do with that after having you?” Carlie leaned down and kissed his lips.
“Stroke his ego why don’t you.” Carrie laughed and they settled in to watch Sameera’s band, Final Regret perform.
He found himself swept away by Sameera’s seductive rasp. Jaw dropping seductive. Plus she played a mean guitar lead. Forty minutes later, after the band rocked out to a handful of their cover songs and some original ones, they packed their equipment and came over to the table.
“Exceptional. Girl, you have an awesome voice. The band is good, but ya’ll could be better. Why don’t we talk about your demo and some studio time?” Garrick grinned. “Jackson, good catch, bro. Look at you, bringing us solid prospects.”
“Yeah, thought you’d love her. I’m gonna take care of some personal business.” He took his beer and left the table. Carrie huddled with Jimmy and Shea. Carlie snagged his hand, drawing him back to her. He turned her palm up and kissed it. “I’ll be back, beautiful.” He slipped away, giving him time to check out his home’s security footage.
Chapter Eight
Ten minutes later with murder on his mind, Jackson hailed a cab. As he got in and closed the door, he saw Carlie step outside to find him. “Go,” he instructed the driver, leaving his band and friends behind to go take care of something he should’ve done years ago.
His phone bleeped.
Where are you going?
To take care of some business. I’ll be home later, princess. Have Garrick bring you home.
Oh, I thought I was going to the hotel with them tonight.
He called his father before answering her. “Where are you at?”
“The bar in the hotel. You finally coming to your senses, boy?”
“You could say that. See you in a few.” He disconnected the phone without letting his father have the last word. The condescending fuck grated on his last nerve. Tonight it all ended one way or another.
Hey, you still there? What’s
going on in that gorgeous head of yours?
Nothing, babe. Just wait for me okay? I don’t want you to leave. I have to go, have fun with your sister but stay away from that tool in Sam’s band who wants to…well yeah, you know how musicians roll.
You’re going to see your father. I’m sorry I told you. Come back. You don’t have to go confront him, not like this, not drunk.
She was always too perceptive. If he’d have went inside to say he was leaving she’d have known and prevented him from going.
If you hadn’t, we’d be having another massive fight. Thought you were tired of fighting.
Walk away. Be a bigger man than he is. I wish you’d listen and come back.
Too late, princess, I’m here.
He turned off his phone and tucked it in his back pocket. After peeling off a few bills and handing them to the driver, he stepped out of the cab and headed into the only home he’d known for a year after his mother passed. Some things never changed. Jackson Laurant Sr. retained a residence on the top floor, allowing him to always know what was going on in his local place of business.
Passing the valet, he marched straight to the bar. His father sat with an arm around an escort. The visual made him sick, knowing how much like his father he’d become with loose women always on the ready. He felt Senior’s disdain to the bone.
His first tattoo had been about delivering a big fuck you, his second about finding himself, each design told the story. Yeah, it also sealed the fact that only a dress shirt would hide his ink. Add in piercings and his father blew a gasket. He never pretended to want the life his father led, the clean cut boy next door image wasn’t him. Senior hated him, but that didn’t stop him from demanding his son live up to the Laurant name. In the end the name was all that mattered.
Shielding his emotions, Jackson strode up to the very devil who spawned him and gave no notice before winding back and letting his rage fuel the uppercut he delivered. The resonant sound of bone cracking and the shriek of the woman tumbling from Senior’s grasp didn't stop his second swing. He didn’t give a fuck about his father’s latest choice of gold digging pussy. All he saw was Carlie's scared face.
The bar erupted with calls for security as he took out years of anger on the man he had no respect for, the man he hated. The man, in retrospect, he’d almost become. Carlie’s words to walk away sounded so good, if only he had the self-control to follow her advice. Advice he knew was spoken out of concern and caring. Senior gripped at him, landed punches to his kidneys. He slammed an elbow into his face.
His father’s blood covered his hands as they rolled on the floor trading jabs. The weak ass fuck didn’t know how to fight. Two beefy security guards came close. Jackson kicked a leg out knocking one down, then another. Two more appeared. There was no way he could fight them all off. He snarled as the guards stepped closer and broke he and Senior a part. Their grip cut the circulation from his hands as they hauled him away from his father. While restrained his father dealt him blow after blow getting in the shots he failed to land.
“Let me go. I’m done.” He broke free from their lax grasp and took notice of the growing crowd. No wonder they released him on command. Father and son danced around each other. Jackson cracked his neck and swiped his face. His nose felt broken again, but he'd think about that another time.
“You ungrateful little boy.” Senior poked him in the chest. “Fuck with me and I’ll close your restaurants in all of my resorts. You won’t have shit, you sniveling fuck.”
Jackson smirked. “You wish you could, you old fool. Mom was smart, to do that you need my signature. To sell any of the resorts you need my signature. Her will is ironclad you should’ve read it better.” Glaring at his father, he swiped the blood from his nose.
“Is this over a puny small city girl? You throw away your inheritance—choose tail over family, over loyalty? Boy, no cunt is that good, not even your mama’s.” Bloody and battered his father moved past the guards to stand toe to toe with him again.
"Watch what you say about my mother and Carlie. I could kill you for how you used threats when you spoke to my girl. How. Fucking. Dare. You." He clenched his fists. "Come to my house and spout your bullshit." The guards shoved at him as he fought to reign in his temper. He took a calming breath to clear his head. What do I want? He exhaled. I want to walk away with control of this situation. With calmness came clarity. "I'm done. Either buy me out or I'll sell my shares to the highest bidder. But make no mistake. You will be out of my life either way."
Two uniformed officers entered the bar. “Mr. Laraunt.”
“Yes,” both men answered simultaneously.
“We received a complaint from the employees, stating there was an assault in progress.” The cops looked from father to son and shook their heads.
“No assault, a family matter to attend to. It’s over. You can leave.” Jackson straightened and wiped the blood dripping down his jaw. “My father and I were just coming to an understanding.”
“Sir?” The officers addressed his old man.
“Thanks for coming but this is between my son and I.” He turned to Jackson. “You know where the door is. See yourself through it. I’ll have my lawyers contact your for the sale.”
“Good. The sooner the better.” Jackson righted his clothing and headed outside. The cops getting into their cruiser stopped to look at him. The older one came over and put a hand on his arm. For a second he thought he was going to jail.
“Son, it’d be a shame to have to take you in and book you. Every man has demons he has to fight, but he also has to know when to walk away. Take care of yourself.” The older officer pressed his fingers into Jackson’s shoulder and fixed his hat. A call came over his radio and he took his leave.
He watched the lights flip on and the sirens wail as he and his partner left. He flipped his phone open and it buzzed with new messages.
We’re on our way to you with Raul. None of us can drive after two beers. Don’t catch a cab. God I hope you’re okay, please tell me you’re okay.
I’m fine. Standing in front of my father’s hotel. How close are you?
Don’t lie to me you can’t be fine. I saw all the blood. What the hell happened to walk away? Garrick is taking the phone from me.
Bro? You good? Damn thought you quit fighting years ago. Trish is going postal, the entire fight was streamed and posted on every social media.
“Fuck,” Jackson groaned. Talk about tunnel-vision.
When I get home and cleaned up we can handle the press. Strangely there’s none here to bother me. Maybe I scared them off.
Doubt that happened. More likely stuck in traffic or some other shit, but you know what happens next. How are you physically?
Yeah, I do. You can tell Trish my hands are fine. Threw a lot of elbow blows. Knocking that asshole on his ass was a long time in the making and bound to happen at some point.
Yeah, well I owe him one for how he treated my sister.
I got you, no need to dole out a second beating. Don’t think he’d be as generous to you. I don’t know what his game is or why he didn’t send me to the slammer.
Raul pulled up in the car before he had a chance to ask Garrick to give the phone back to Carlie. He opened the door and shuffled into the backseat. Carlie launched herself into his arms.
“Your face is broken.” She had such a tortured look on her face that he wanted to soothe her worry.
“I’m okay. This is nothing.” He kissed the top of her head and winced when she hugged him too tight.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to make it worse. I want to kiss you and strangle you at the same time. Oh my God, your nose.” She reached up to touch the swollen cartilage.
“I don’t think it’s broken, thought so at first but doesn’t feel like it is.”
“Gee, you’d think you knew the difference by now. How many times have you had it busted or broken in a fight?”
“I don’t know seven or eight, maybe ten? I know they said anymore I
’d have to have surgery to avoid having scar tissue blocking the nasal passages.”
“Yeah, imagine that.”
“So long as I’m not on your shit list.” Jackson absently stroked Carlie’s arm. He met Garrick’s gaze and offered a grim smile. She felt so right in his arms.
“What happened to walk away? I don’t know how many times I texted those words. Why did you have to fight him?”
“Princess, I don’t have an answer for you. It’s not like I thought about it. I had every intention to just tell him to either buy me out of my inheritance or I’d sell my shares. But this rage suffocated me, I couldn’t climb out of it and didn’t want to. I wanted to rip him to shreds for the things he said to you, how bad he made you feel. I couldn’t let him get away with hurting you or dissing my mom.”
“Baby, you didn’t have to do that for me. I think I pretty much laid the verbal smack down in my own defense.”
“I know. No one has ever stood up for me to him before. You’re probably one fourth of his size and weight and you were like a rabid little ankle biter protecting me. Thank you, you sexy crazy woman. I’m glad he didn’t put his hands on you. I’ve seen him knock around a few of his women.”
Carlie pinched him. “Ankle biter? Rabid? Gee that’s really nice of you. I did flinch once, but then he pissed me off too bad to be scared of him.”
“Oh, come on, you were totally frothing at the mouth to take a bite out of his hide, all that sexy temper on display in rare form.”
“Even when said temper is aimed at you?”
“Yeah, my little hellcat. I can just imagine being buried in your sweet pussy while you’re going off.”