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9781618857958KissMeLikeYouMeanItLeveyNC Page 14

  “Because I planned on loving you, breaking you in nice and slow, like a man is supposed to.” He nipped her neck and plunged into her again and again. “I knew.”

  “Knew what?”

  “Princess, can we talk later? I’d really like to keep going.”

  “Can’t do two things at once, huh?” she teased and he nipped a little harder.

  “I knew that after seeing you in my house, naked in my bed, there was no way in hell I’d let you go. This house was like being stuck in a hellacious memory of things I’d never have again. With you here, I can imagine growing old, having babies and giving them the legacy of my grandmother and mother. Your unannounced but welcome presence made this feel like a breathing home again.”

  Carlie reached her hands up to the sides of his face and kissed him with sweet abandon. Jackson tangled his tongue with hers and memorized every inch and body response she gave. “So sweet.”

  A man possessed, he listened to her hitched breaths, the way her heart beat a gentle cadence against his chest. Direct contact, body to body, intense friction, had her climbing the walls under him, her actions telling him she was begging for release. He left her on the edge before allowing her to tumble and fall with him, shattering, sharing their first simultaneous orgasm, the first of many. Her cream drenched his dick as the aftershock tremors pulled a second orgasm from him.

  “I am so in love with you.”

  “I said it first.” He sank his fingers in her hair, brought his lips down to hers and dove in. “Fuck, I love tasting you, kissing you, making love to you.”

  “I knew you two fuck bunnies were at it again.” Carrie burst into the room ruining their moment.

  “Twin, what the hell?”

  Jackson covered Carlie with the bed sheet. “Where the fuck is Shea?” He growled.

  “Hell, Jacks, no reason to cover her up and shit, we shared a womb together. I’m comfortable with her goods and vagina juice.”

  “It’s hard to believe ya’ll are twins. You’re polar opposites of each other. Extreme polar opposites.”

  “Carrie, what are you doing here?”

  “I have to see, and thanks to his no picture rule, how am I going to see his and I quote ‘glorious cock’?”

  Carlie groaned.

  “Glorious, huh?” Jackson slid out of the bed and approached Carrie, thanks to Carlie he sported a perpetual aroused cock.

  “Shea know where you are?” Even semi-aroused the beads were completely visible. Her gaze kept dropping to his equipment.

  “Well not at the moment. He’s bringing breakfast items in. Said Carlie’s turkey bacon didn’t constitute as bacon and wanted real food this morning.”

  “Sister, you know you are in for a fight right?”

  “I just wanna see it.”

  “With your eyes only, sis. I know how you get,” Carlie warned.

  Carrie rolled her eyes. “What, you think I’m gonna lick it or something?”

  “Who knows.”

  Jackson held his dick out for her inspection. “See. Satisfied?”

  Carrie reached out and ran her hand along the length much like her sister had and with the same hand, from first bead to fifth and the smooth hard skin between, just as Shea stepped into the room.


  “Hm?” Carrie replied absent-mindedly while still exploring Jackson’s cock with her fingertips.

  “Why is your hand on his dick?”

  Those words snapped her out of her preoccupation. She gazed up at Jackson with a plea for help. He shook his head and winked. The comical situation turned real. Carrie ran her hand down one final pass and sighed.

  “I had to see.”

  “Carebear, seeing and touching are totally different.”

  “Well once I saw it wasn’t enough. I wanted to touch it. If you’d get them I wouldn’t need to feel him up.”

  Jackson shook his head. “Carrie. It takes three months to heal after having them done. No sex, no masturbation for six to eight of those weeks.”

  “Well damn that. I go all rage crazed when I’m deprived for two days.”

  Carlie wrapped the sheet tighter around her and laughed until Shea silenced her with a cut shit out look. Jackson crossed over to his dresser and grabbed a pair of jeans. He tossed a band T-shirt and pair of shorts over to Carlie.

  The tension radiating was palpable. Carlie quickly slipped into the clothing and slid out of the bed. Jackson took her hand and led them out of his room. Halfway down the stairs, he heard Carrie screech and a series of staccato slaps.

  “We’re so gonna have to change those sheets.”

  “Yeah, clearly he has to teach her a lesson.” Jackson smirked.

  “Yeah well, I could do the same to you for letting her…”

  “You won’t,” he stated the obvious.

  “She’s just Carrie. I knew she wouldn’t leave it alone after asking if what was bragged about was true. I created the monster.”

  “True, but if I walked into a room to see your hand wrapped around some man’s dick, I’d have to show you how territorial I am in a way you’d never forget.”


  “Don’t test the beast, princess.”


  She said that too easy, he didn’t trust that he wouldn’t one day find himself in a position to have to backup his words. He chose to drop it. “You making breakfast?”

  “Yep. Turkey bacon, scrambled egg whites and wheat toast it is.”

  “I have a better idea.” Jackson closed the fridge and took her hand. “It’s like two in the morning. Those two are not coming down til at least nine.”

  “So what are we going to do to pass the time?” Carlie snuggled into his side.

  “Camp out in the living room. The couch is too small so I’ll pull out the air mattress.” He led her to a chair and sat her down. “I’ll be right back.”

  He only left for a few minutes. When he came back, her eyes were closed and her hand held her head up. She’d have a crick in the morning if he didn’t get her comfortable soon. He pressed the auto fill button for the mattress and watched it inflate. Next, he tossed a loose sheet over the rubber, then leaned over and picked Carlie up and laid her on her side. Inches from rolling off the newly made bed, he caught her body and pulled her toward the middle, settled his weight and tugged a coverlet over them. Having her next to him felt like second nature. Natural. He meant every word he’d said to her upstairs and hoped she understood the magnitude of him sharing, leaving himself exposed and raw. He dropped a kiss on her forehead and closed his eyes. The sounds upstairs tapered off, allowing sleep to claim him.

  Chapter Nine

  “Good afternoon, sleepyhead.” Carlie woke up to chaos erupting all around her.

  “What? How did I sleep so late?”

  Carrie plopped down onto the air mattress with her and faced her. “He wore that ass out.” She laughed and stole the covers. “Now get up and get showered. Nev will be here in a little while and the delivery truck just came with the box. I want to open it so bad.”

  “Where’s Jackson?”

  “In the kitchen making hors d’oeuvres. There is something totally sexy about a man who can make delicious food. Shea makes the best food. He was excused by your man though so he helped me decorate.”

  “Why didn’t anyone wake me to help cook?” Carlie rubbed her bed head and stole the covers back from her sister.

  “Because you’re a health nut. The guys thought it best to let sleeping beauty get her rest or we’d have some crazy soy or fake meat kind of dishes.”

  “I could’ve made a gluten free cake that’s delicious.” Carlie sighed. “One day all of you will thank me for being so health conscious.”

  “Get up, lazybones.”

  “I’m up. I’m up.” Carlie dragged her tired self to the kitchen on autopilot with her sister yapping in her ear the entire way. Her mind wasn’t capable of handling her twin’s nonsensical chatter without a cup of coffee in ha
nd. That is until the most delicious aroma tickled her senses fully awake. Jackson stood with his back to her preparing a tray of goodies. Food forgotten, she stared at the way his muscles bunched as he moved without a shirt on, in a pair of jeans that showed off his tight butt and barefoot.

  “I’d drool too,” Carrie whispered in her ear.

  “I forgot what I came in here for.” He’s so mouthwatering.

  Jackson set the tray down, washed his hands in the sink and grabbed a mug from the cabinet. He slipped the mug under the one cup maker, popped in a single serving cup and hit the brew.

  Carlie found she could watch him move forever. She nudged her sister and sighed.

  Jackson swiped the full cup added cream and two cubes of sugar, stuck a coffee stirrer inside and turned. A cocky grin spread across his face making her flush.

  “Ahh, the princess is finally awake. Thought I was going to have to kiss you until you woke.” He made as if to hand her the mug but stole a kiss first instead.

  Carlie sucked face with him for a second and ducked out to swipe the cup from his hand.

  “Ahh dumped for a java. I’m heartbroken.”

  “Yeah, well a girl needs her caffeine. “ Carlie blew on her brew and took a long satisfying sip.

  Carrie grabbed a barstool and popped up on a seat, she followed suit. The dining room décor looked fantastic. “Did any of you sleep at all?”

  “It’s like close to three in the afternoon. I got up around eight and your sister got up around nine.”


  “Don’t be mad, you needed some rest and I don’t like anyone in my space when I’m cooking.”

  “Typical for you chef types.” Carlie’s gaze fell on the glass fish like bowls filled with blue gumballs and others with pink gumballs. Inside each were identical pink and blue iced microphone shaped cake pops with stripes on them. On the table, a cupcake stand stood with safari style print iced cupcakes on the top shelf, blue sporting snare drums and pink with drumsticks. On the side table two dozen champagne flutes sat waiting to be filled. They almost completely set everything up without her. “Did you make the cupcakes and cake pops?”

  “Nah, babe. Just making some food. I don’t think what they delivered is enough for the fellas. I would’ve made the cake and cake pops, but Nev didn’t trust anyone enough to give us the envelope.”

  “Figures. I’d have sexed it out of you.” Carlie finished her coffee. “I’m going to go hop in the shower. Keep up the good work.”

  “Find me when you’re done, sis. We need to make up the treat bags and gifts for guests. Jackson, what time is the camera crew getting here?”

  “They should be here within a half hour or so.” He set the second tray of food in the oven to warm.

  “Thirty minutes is not enough time to get glamorous.” Carlie set the empty mug on the counter and dashed across the house, up the stairs to the bedroom. Stripping her shirt over her head as she walked through the door, she came to a screeching halt and screamed. Shea stood in the center of Jackson’s room in the buff.

  “You should knock first.”

  “What, this is like my bedroom by default. Why are you naked? Put something on.” Holding her T-shirt to her chest, she turned around to face the door. “Tell me when it’s safe to face you again.” There was a rustle of clothing and a zip.

  “Jeans on.”

  “Good. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to go shower.” She brushed past him and slammed the door to the bathroom in his face.

  Dear Lord, our men are sexy as sin. Though Shea wasn’t as tattooed as Jackson, all those corded muscles made up for his lack of ink. She tried not to ogle his dick. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t stroked a cock before Jackson. But damn, he was thick and long too, minus the beads. Sighing, she turned on the water and made haste. With guests arriving within the hour, she needed a miracle to get put together.

  Squeaky clean ten minutes later, she stepped out of the stall and wrapped a towel around herself. She stepped into the bedroom to see Jackson with a towel around his waist putting hot pink dye in his hair. She knew what team he was batting for today.

  “I thought you were going team blue.” Carlie dried off and lathered lotion on.

  “She is having a girl. Garrick isn’t lucky enough to get a son the first time around.”

  “Care to make a friendly wager on that?” She swept past him and dug in a drawer for her powder blue lace panties and matching bra.

  “I’m game.” Jackson smoothed his hand over her ass, but Carlie slapped him away as he started pulling at the side.

  “No breaking these, at least right now.” She slipped on her jeans and baby blue T-shirt with. We’re having a nephew across the front. On the back was Team Blue or Go Home.

  “What is our wager?” Jackson donned a pink V-neck shirt. On the back the words Batting for Pink spread across his shoulder blades. Underneath the phrase, a pink stick-figure person wrestled with the stork for the envelope holding the answer.

  “When I win you will have to be my slave in all things for seventy-two hours.”

  Jackson laughed. “Twenty-four and you have a deal.”

  “Hey, your face is healed.”

  “Nah, Nev sent over a makeup artist this morning. Apparently, she refuses to have her child see pictures of this day with me bruised up.”

  “That is Nev. She likes everything to be just right. I’m so glad my brother is marrying that woman. I love her to death.” Carlie brushed her hair into a twist and clipped it up. While her metrosexual boyfriend worked on his hair next to her, she put on her makeup and coated her lips with gloss.

  “Watermelon flavored?”

  “You are not kissing these lips you manic.” Jackson wiped his hands off on a towel and faced her. She backed away from him in search of her blue blinged-out sandals.

  “All right.” Jackson shrugged his feet into shoes and winked at her. “Ready to go downstairs?”

  “Yep. Who’s here?”

  “The crew is here setting up. Nev and Garrick are in the living room. Close family and some friends were arriving as I came up. Carrie is being the perfect hostess in your absence since she finished setting up the gift bags, but you can help me do one last thing.”

  “You let me sleep too late.” Carlie punched his arm.

  Jackson grabbed her and dropped a chaste kiss on her lips, then licked his own.

  “Pomegranate, nice.”

  “That wasn’t a kiss, mister.”

  “I thought we weren’t kissing.”

  “Well, you should kiss me like you mean it even if it’s unwanted.”

  “Unwanted huh?” Jackson encircled her waist and hoisted her up to him. His lips devoured hers with unsurpassed urgency and possessiveness that made her knees weak and her mind blank out. Swamped with dizziness, she pushed at him weakly to break the kiss and catch her breath. Jackson licked his lips a final time and winked.

  “You are horrible.” She slipped her wand of gloss out and reapplied. “Let’s go before we miss the whole party, you horn dog.”

  “We have an interview in a few minutes.” Jackson linked his fingers through hers and led her back downstairs. They entered a madhouse of mass chaos. Guests were milling around conversing.

  “With who?”

  “Rock Gods has a reporter here to talk to me about the new album and my relationship status.”

  “Oh, are we going public?”

  “We went public days ago, love. Let’s cement it in truth.” Jackson tugged at her hand and led her into the kitchen. “Grab the champagne and fill the flutes. Sameera filled them with sorbet for me since she was already dressed.”

  Carlie popped the bottles and began filling the glasses three-fourths full. Jackson entertained the media. Once she was done, she tucked her hands into her back pocket and approached her boyfriend who was locked in conversation with their interviewer, or so she assumed. When she reached his side, he automatically slipped an arm around her and kissed her head.

>   “Princess, meet Steve Hart from Rock Gods.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Carlie, or should I call you princes too?”

  Steve oozed an honest carefree attitude, drawing her to him. “Carlie is fine, thanks, good to meet you as well.” She stuck out a hand. “Where are we gonna do this?”

  “The breakfast bar is fine. I have the trays of food out of the way.” Jackson waited for her to take a seat before taking one next to her.

  “This will be quick.” Steve motioned for his crew to come over for the live stream.

  “We’re in beautiful Rye, New York with the bass guitarist for Crimson Rage and his girlfriend Carlie Stevens, sister to lead singer Wade Stevens.”

  Carlie gripped his hand. She wasn’t like him, never sat in on the interviews but watched them like the rest of the world. To be next to him in the moment, knowing the world would see how crazy they were about one another made her heart melt. “Hi.”

  “We don’t have a lot of time. There’s a pregnant woman in the other room having her own interview with Real Talk.”

  “I am aware and thank you for opening up your home and allowing us to meet you here. I want to first discuss the tumultuous fight streamed yesterday. Could you shed any light on what transpired?”

  “Well, Steve, it’s simple. It was a family dispute. A private one that wasn’t meant to go global. But hell, I lost my cool and my head and forgot that unlike everyone else, I don’t lead a normal life. There are people around dying to exploit situations like that.”

  “I respect that, man. We all have those moments with family. I know I have. Can you enlighten us on your tour overseas?”

  “Oh yeah. We did a USO tour for ten days, playing for the troops at designated stops. Man, I have to give it up to our men and women who sacrifice for our freedom. It was an honor to play for each and every one of them. They needed a piece of home and we brought it. Being over there for ten days was a humbling experience. We got a chance to hang with some badass soldiers and get a feel for what they go through every day while we’re over here living the high life.”

  “Do you have plans to take over vocals in upcoming shows? One of your fans uploaded a vid of you performing. The fans loved hearing you sing.”