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9781618857958KissMeLikeYouMeanItLeveyNC Page 15

  “That’s a distinct possibility. I have a new song on the upcoming album titled You Wound Me, but we haven’t hashed out the specifics yet.”

  “All right. All right. One of the fans sent in a question about your guitar. Are there any new pieces you’re digging right now? A new sponsorship on the horizon?”

  “Man, I love my baby right now. Jimmy and I have sponsored some badass guitars in the past few years. Right now we’re chillin’ holding tight to our current company. So no, nothing new has caught our eye.”

  “Carlie, the females out there want to know how it feels to be linked to the heart crusher?”

  “I forgot that nickname, and I gave it to him.” She laughed. “Jackson and I have been around each other for years. Being linked to him feels good, feels right.”

  “What about you, Jackson? You’re not exactly known for having relationships. Do we see wedding bells in the future?”

  “Definitely a possibility. This one here is my game changer.”

  Carlie blushed. “You sure know the right words to a girl’s heart.”

  “Steve, it looks like our time is running out. If I’m not out there to help my boy with his woman, my balls will be cut off. The pregnant woman rules the band and the roost right now.” Jackson grinned.

  “Last question. Any new tours or shows?”

  “Yep, we are playing a series of outdoor festivals this summer. Check the band website and forum boards for new news. And always check out our awesome merchandise made by our lead singer’s fiancé Neveah.” Jackson stood up and reached out to shake Steve’s hand.

  The camera crew turned off their equipment and moved on.

  “Feel free to stay around and have some food. I’ll have to ask that your crew puts away their equipment, so there’s not a conflict of interest with Nev’s crew.”

  “Thank you for the offer but we’re on a tight schedule. I look forward to seeing the spread on her baby news. Carlie, it’s been a pleasure to meet such a vibrant young woman.” Steve took his leave. Carlie sighed in relief.

  Everyone cleared out of the breakfast nook, leaving her and Jackson a spot of privacy. She leaned up and kissed his lips. “You are good at handling this. You normally seem so nonchalant.”

  “Yeah well, we do have a moody pregnant woman to contend with.” He linked an arm around her.

  They entered the front foyer and Carlie saw her brother Jordan and parents heading their way. She tightened her arm around Jackson.

  “I won’t leave you to fend for yourself, babe, but you can handle this. You know what you want to say. No one is perfect and you’re an adult. I got you in this.”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Stevens.” Jackson reached out to extend a hand. Mrs. Stevens came in with a bear hug. He extricated himself and shook Carlie’s father’s hand. “Sir. Welcome to my home. I’ve asked the guests to keep to this floor. But family can move freely.”

  “I missed you, son. I was expecting to see you walk into my kitchen with the others after Afghanistan. You make sure to call me next time. What a lovely home. The decorations are lovely. We weren’t expecting you to have a home along the coast. You are really a dear for hosting Nev’s reveal party here.”

  “It’s nothing, ma’am. After all you’ve done for me through the years, how could I not offer my place, since we were all here already the timing was perfect.”

  Carlie watched as her mom fawned over Jackson, suffocating him with affection. Ever since she could remember, her mom gave him extra support, motherly touches and hugs. It took him a few years to accept her maternal ways without freezing. Now he embraced her as if it was the most natural response. Her father eyed her but remained silent.

  “Dad, Mom. I am really sorry for what happened. If you were embarrassed, I apologize for that too. I love you and want you to be proud of me not disappointed. I’m not perfect even though I try to be and to be honest, it’s exhausting. So from now on I’m not going to worry about pleasing everyone else. I’m going to relax and quit feeling like upsetting anyone will make my world crumble around me.”

  “We know, kitten. We, your mom and I, just want you happy and safe.” Her dad embraced her and she dropped her hold on Jackson to fully be encased in her father’s strong arms. She breathed him in and felt a semblance of normalcy restore itself. He loved her even though she messed up.

  “I love you, Daddy.” Carlie linked her hand with her mom and slipped into her arms next.

  “I resigned from the college board. No school should allow any student to be ridiculed. I’m sorry you went through that. Those bitches.”

  “Mom. Oh my God, did you just cuss? Jackson, the world is ending.”

  “Well then I’m in perfect company, princess.”

  “Neveah is ready to get her party started. We just finished up with the magazine shoot. Thanks again for letting us do the party here. bro,” Garrick called for them from the doorway.

  “Come on you slowpokes. I’m the only one allowed to be slow. Jordon, no champagne flute for you, we don’t contribute to minors. Do we?” Nev pointed a glare at every male member in the band exacting her law.

  “I need members of team pink and members of team blue to come into the main room. We’re going to do the photo for the magazine. Grab a pink rock guitar button or a blue one with safari stripes.” She waddled out and cupped her hands around her mouth like a megaphone. Garrick appeared worn down but not at the end of his rope yet.

  “Let’s go before she comes back,” Jackson joked.

  They moved to the main room and walked to the table. Jimmy’s hair was blue and pink striped as if he couldn’t decide or he thought the baby would be a hermaphrodite. Scary thought that. Carlie picked up her blue button and went to stand by her mom, father, Carrie, Jazz and Garrick. Jordan, Shea, Jimmy and Jackson stood on the other side of the massive three tier cake. An assortment of family and friends too numerous to all name picked their colors, signed the picture frame and cast their votes.

  Nev handed out leis to each person. Jackson put on a bright pink sweatband on his forehead and one on each wrist.

  Shea pointed a pair of bright pink drum sticks at Carrie and winked.

  “What did you bet him?”

  “Can’t tell you but it’s wicked sexy.” Her twin grinned and popped a blue ring pop in her mouth. Shea’s expression changed as a hint of fire lit his eyes.

  “You two are so bad.” Carlie sucked on her blue candy necklace and put her lei on.

  Cameras went off. Carlie hoped her sister sucking on the ring didn’t lead to a mouthful of blue teeth. The photographer moved around them and fired off rapid succession of clicks.

  “Let’s jump in the air or something fun,” Carrie suggested. “On the count of three. Three, two, one.” The guys on the opposite side posed while they leapt in the air posing.

  The last shot was an individual of team blue and team pink with the mama in the middle.

  Jordan came in with the flutes of champagne with a dollop of sherbet and handed them out to the guests. She didn’t miss Jackson giving his up to her teenage brother right under Nev’s nose, who like a hawk, noticed. Jordan had long since sucked it down. She still pinched him and then turned around and pinched Jackson. Nev’s don’t mess with me look brought laughter bubbling from her lips.

  “I think they’re scared.” She took her drink and walked around the beautifully decorated room.

  The diaper cake looked fantastic with Crimson Rage’s insignia on it. The guys were good sports. They suffered through name that baby bingo where they had to unscramble possible baby names and put them together on the board. Each guest attempted to guess the sex based on old wives tales clues.

  Twenty minutes later after all the bubbly was gone and trays of food lay empty, Garrick joined the room with a big box.

  “Let’s take this outside.” All guests moved to the back porch following after the proud papa. Carlie sunk her hand in Jackson’s back jean pocket and leaned her head between his shoulder blades. He seemed to b
e restlessness but it had been a long day so he was probably getting tired. She could see making babies with him. He glanced over his shoulder at her and they shared a look before going outside where everyone was lined up with camera phones on the ready.

  “My sexy fiancé is going to open up the box and release the balloons on the count of five. I’m so excited to have my family and closest friends here visiting.” Nev turned to Garrick. “Count down, Daddy.”

  “Five hundred bottles of beer on the wall. Four hundred and ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall. Four hundred and ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall. Four hundred ninety-seven—”

  “Hey you’re taking too long, daddy,” Nev interrupted.

  “I get to start over now, love?” Garrick joked. Carlie sensed he was taking pleasure in tormenting her as she wanted to know the sex months ago but had decided to wait.

  “Garrick come on, she is looking a might bit PO’d.” Jackson chuckled. “We’re all gonna be old and the babies will be here before you release the balloons.”

  “Release. Release. Release,” the mass chanted. Garrick sighed and lifted the lid. Blue balloons with baby feet on them floated in the air. A giant balloon with the word twins caught everyone’s attention.

  “We’re having twins,” Carrie squealed. “I knew she was carrying double.” Nev and Garrick sported shit eating grins. He puffed out his chest and took all the back slaps and “Hell yeahs,” from friends and family.

  Her father hugged Nev and Garrick and their mom beamed with happiness. No doubt she was overjoyed getting two grandbabies.

  “Wait, did you know you were having twins, Nev?”

  “No. We weren’t told and we didn’t want to see this sonogram. The first one we only saw one baby. Little brother must’ve been hiding.”

  “Let’s eat some cake people.”

  For the next hour friends loitered, eating cake and chatting. Everyone loved having the party away from home and getting a mini-vacation from real life. Soon, Carlie noticed weariness in Nev’s face and took her new sister upstairs for a much needed siesta. After tucking her in, she went downstairs and found Jackson sitting at the piano playing a difficult classical piece as if it were an everyday occurrence. He continued to surprise her. She had no idea he played that well.

  “Hey, play something Sinatra.”

  He changed up without missing a beat, and began the strains to Someone to Watch over Me. As his fingers danced over the ivory keys, his unforgettable voice entered with a ringing clarity. One minute in, his clean vocals left his close audience breathless. She wanted to melt in his arms, seeing the twinkle in his eye when his found hers. She knew he was singing for her. He moved with the music, the piano an extension of him. Tears prickled her eyes.

  Out of the blue, his hands stumbled on the ivory keys harshly, making blaring off key notes resonate. A tortured expression took over his entire body. She’d noticed his mood swinging throughout the day and hoped he’d take some time to himself. The slight way his hand trembled when he closed the piano lid worried her.

  Carlie moved to him and sank onto his lap. He draped a hand over hers and turned his face into her neck. “God babe, I miss them so damn much.” She smoothed her hand over the back of his hair.

  “I know.” She motioned for everyone to leave them alone in the room until he could get himself together.

  “I think that the world is ready for the real Jackson Laurant. The smart, talented man who takes care of everyone behind the scenes. And I think the real Jackson Laurant, who I love, needs to accept help himself. It is okay to miss them, to grieve no matter how much time has passed, and to even cry. I don’t know who taught you to lock away all emotion but they were wrong. No one can survive and be healthy that way. I have the same problem you know, and this really sexy man is forcing me to take notice. Any time you need to let go, I won’t tell anyone. I’ll just sit here with you as you let it all go.” She wiped a tear from his haunted grey eyes.

  “I had no idea you were so talented on the piano. It’s a shame the world has missed out on hearing your music being played with such passion. Promise me you’ll play again. That our children will one day sit here at this piano and learn the legacy your mother left you.”

  “My dad thought playing the piano was for girls, until I was offered a full scholarship to the top music school in New York. Right after I got the letter, my mom was diagnosed. After she died I quit playing, Gram quit playing too. Sitting at a piano without her by my side hurt too much for both of us. God, I’ve missed playing but hearing her voice in every song, her laughter was too much. She would’ve loved you and made me promise to do right by you. She was a woman of conviction and faith with so much love. I look like my father and when she should’ve hated the permanent reminder of his betrayal, she didn’t. Even when I did.” Her heart broke at his gruff voice, locked tight in overwhelming sadness.

  “You, Jackson Laurant, are not your father and it’s high time you realize the bastard that sired you has no bearing on the man you’ve become. In short, you get it from your mama.”

  Jackson snorted and shook his head, then looked around. “Where is everyone?”

  “Around. They left us alone.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “You good now?”


  “Good, then let’s go. See what everyone has gotten into. The house feels quieter. I’m guessing a lot of people left already.”

  Chapter Ten

  Jackson sucked up the onslaught of grief and reeled it back in. They moved to the main room and found everyone quietly talking. Looking at the clock, he realized hours had passed. Garrick was the first to put a hand on his shoulder, and then move in for a half hug. He’d been there for him during his out of control drunk days, at the new school he’d been enrolled in and became the lifeline he needed to regain his footing. In his eyes was understanding. Shea and Jimmy brought it in too. He appreciated their nearness.

  Surrounded by everyone in his home he felt like he had a real family, that he wasn’t alone anymore. The last time the house had been this full was before his mom passed. Having everyone over though put an unexpected overload on his system. After seeing so much love and happiness in everyone’s eyes during the reveal party, he’d fought to keep it all together. Shit got too real. Then someone asked him to play his mom’s favorite musician. If he’d thought for one second he wouldn’t be able to handle it he’d have removed himself from the situation. Thank God for Carlie. It seemed she really did know him better the he did himself. That his true family knew him just as well too.

  “Did we pick names?”

  Nev made her way down the stairs, hair mused and wearing a T-shirt and yoga pants.

  “Have a nice nap darlin’?” Garrick helped her to the couch.

  “Umhm. Babies are moving a lot. Now I know why I feel like my insides are being beat to a pulp now. Two pairs of hands and feet.”

  “What is everyone doing?”

  “Waiting to hear baby names.” Garrick took a seat and pulled her feet onto his lap.

  “Oh, are we telling now? I thought we were going to wait.” She yawned and rubbed her belly.

  “Don’t be mean, we’ve been waiting forever already.” Carrie frowned and kneeled before her. “Auntie Carrie and Uncle Shea want to know your names. Tell Mama to give up the 411 before we take away her ice cream.”

  “Hey, no blackmailing the babies before they arrive.” Nev laughed.

  “We wanted to choose names after those we are closest to. We chose Cassandra Shea Stevens for a girl, but we’re not having a girl so Shea you’re out.”

  “For a boy we chose Camden Jackson Stevens after Nev’s grandfather and Jackson. We’re hoping you’ll be a godfather to the boys.”

  “I’d be honored.” Choked up with emotion, Jackson leaned over to kiss Nev on the cheek.

  “Do you have another name picked already?”

  “Yes, we do Carlie. We decided on Ducati James Stevens. C.J. and D.J for short.” Garri
ck grinned.

  “Really, after your motorcycle?”

  “You know us artistic types and our baby names. At least we didn’t go too far out in naming number two.”

  “Are you going to throw a press party to announce the names?” Sameera asked from the couch with Jimmy.

  “Nope. This is for us only. We’d appreciate it if no one mentioned them on any social media. We’ll let the world know after they’re born.”

  “I am so excited to be a grandmother and your dad is overjoyed to be a grandpa. Just, please can everyone in this room make sure we all practice some safe sex. I don’t think my nerves can handle any more babies this year. Let me get used to the twins first.”

  “Mom, can you imagine if all of us gave you twins.” Carlie laughed at her mom’s dazed expression.

  “Carlie, stop freaking your ma out.” Jackson grinned. There was nothing he wanted more than to fill Carlie up with his seed. But from a business stand point, all of them having kids at the same time wasn’t a good idea.

  “Carlie, I hope you’re practicing safe sex with Jackson. Shea you and Carrie too. Jordan you better not be having sex yet. If you can’t afford condoms you can’t afford to have sex.”

  “This is unreal. Jordon’s face is beet red,” Jackson whispered into Carlie’s ear.

  “It’s like we’re in a time warp. How many times has she preached safe sex and protection, and here I am smiling and shaking my head yes while that’s the last thing we’re doing,” she whispered.

  “Shh before she hears us with her bat ears,” he joked back.

  “Dear, let the kids be. I think it’s time we head back to our hotel for the night. Jordan, kiss your sisters and let’s go.”

  “Yes, sir.” He kissed Carrie first, and then Carlie. He clearly wanted to stay but didn’t ask.

  “Mr. Stevens, Jordan can hang out with us for the night. Why don’t you go show Mrs. Stevens New York City after dark, have a romantic late dinner or something.”

  “Oh, I’d love that. Thank you, Jackson. Mr. Stevens, let’s go. I’ll have enough time to freshen up and put on something more appropriate for nighttime sightseeing.”